DIS - Case Record for 04-0221-GA-GCR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/27/2009 Case action form closing case effective 7/27/09.
04/20/2009 Tariff PUCO No. 2 electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
04/08/2009 Service Notice
04/08/2009 Entry ordered that the proposed tariffs filed on March 6, 2009, be approved.
03/27/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUOC Tariff No. 2 electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
03/06/2009 Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 2 filed by L. Martin on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio.
01/20/2009 Correction to January 16, 2009 filing regarding the CHOICE Program Sharing Credit for PUCO Tariff No. 2 electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/16/2009 PUCO No. 2 Tariff pages electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/31/2008 Revised tariff sheets for PUCO Tariff No. 2 filed by D. Creekmur on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
09/24/2008 Entry ordered that the final revised tariffs filed by Columbia on February 22, 2008, be approved, ordered that the new tariffs shall be a date not earlier than November 1, 2008.
09/24/2008 Service Notice
08/19/2008 Joint notice of agreement as to implementation of proposed tariffs electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Ohio Gas Marketers Group.
05/02/2008 Comments of the Ohio Gas Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff.
04/03/2008 Tariff PUCO No. 2 electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/22/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 2, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc. by S. Seiple.
01/28/2008 Tariff PUCO No. 2 electronically filed by Ms. May L Battig on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/25/2008 Transcript with exhibit for hearing held on Friday, January 11, 2008 at the offices of PUCO before Gregory Price, Attorney Examiner.
01/23/2008 Opinion and order ordering that the 2007 stipulation of the parties be adopted and approved; Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Paul A. Centolella.
01/23/2008 Service Notice
01/22/2008 Letter with revisions for the joint stipulation and recommendation filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/11/2008 Notice of the withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed by J. Bentine on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
01/11/2008 Motion for intervention and memorandum in support on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc. filed by B. Singh.
01/07/2008 Letter stating that Commerce Energy, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC, Hess Corporation, Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and Vectren Retail LLC wish to add their names to the signatory parties supporting the stipulation filed by H. Petricoff.
01/07/2008 Additional information filed by B. Singh on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc.
12/31/2007 Service notice
12/31/2007 Entry ordering a hearing be scheduled for January 11, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. (GP)
12/28/2007 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, S. Seiple; Staff, A. Hammerstein; Ohio Consumers' Counsel, L. Sauer; Bay Area Counsel, G. Krassen; Ohio Farm Bureau; Ohio Hospital Association, T. O'Brien; Ohio Manufacturers' Association, T. O'Brien; Honda of America Mfg., Inc.J. Airey; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, S.Randazzo; North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC, W. Newcomb Jr.; Ohio Gas Marketers Group, H. Petricoff; and Dominion Retail, B. Royer.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of OCC filed by L Sauer.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of PUCO filed by Staff.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by B. Royer.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by G. Hummel.
05/09/2007 Post-hearing reply brief of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. filed by B. Singh.
05/09/2007 Post-hearing reply brief of Honda of America MFG., Inc. filed by W. Airey.
05/09/2007 Reply brief of the Ohio Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff.
04/18/2007 Letter stating that IEU-Ohio gives notice that it will not file an initial brief, however, IEU-Ohio reserves the right to file a reply brief, by G. Hummel.
04/18/2007 Initial post-hearing brief on behalf of Honda of America MFC., Inc. by J. Airey.
04/18/2007 Notice regarding post-hearing briefs on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. by B. Singh.
04/18/2007 Post-hearing initial brief on behalf of the Ohio Gas Marketers Group by H. Petricoff.
04/18/2007 Post-hearing brief on behalf of OCC by L. Sauer.
04/18/2007 Initial brief on behalf Dominion Retail, Inc. by B. Royer.
04/18/2007 Post-hearing brief of staff of PUCO by S. Reilly.
04/18/2007 Post-hearing brief on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
04/13/2007 Service Notice
04/13/2007 Entry ordering that the revised briefing schedule set forth in Finding (5) be adopted. (GP)
04/09/2007 Motion for indefinite extension to file initial post-hearing briefs and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Sauer.
04/03/2007 Service Notice
04/03/2007 Joint motion for extension to file initial post hearing briefs and request for expedited ruling be Interested Stakeholders filed by J. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
04/03/2007 Entry ordered that the joint motion for extension of time to file initial post-hearing briefs be granted and filed by April 10, 2007. (GP)
03/12/2007 Transcript w/exhibits of proceedings before Hearing Examiners S. Lesser and G. Price on February 26, 2007. (Volume V)
03/06/2007 Transcript w/exhibits cont'd (Part 2 of 2)
03/06/2007 Transcript w/exhibits of proceedings before Hearing Examiners Steven Lesser and Gregory Price at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 on February 20, 2007. (Part 1 of 2)
02/22/2007 Prepared surrebuttal testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed by S. Reilly.
02/22/2007 Surrebuttal testimony of Michael P. Haugh filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
02/20/2007 Return of service subpoena stating that Dale Arnold is hereby required to appear on February 26, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the PUCO 180 E. Broad St, 11th floor Columbus, Ohio 43215.
02/15/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held February 1, 2007, before G. Price, Hearing Examiner. (Volume III)
02/15/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held January 31, 2007, before G. Price Hearing Examiner. (Volume II)
02/15/2007 Confidential documents: Exhibit 1, 9 pages, and Exhibit 5, 17 pages. filed with the transcripts on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio.
02/15/2007 Subpoena stating that Dale Arnold is hereby required to appear on February 26, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad Street, 11th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
02/15/2007 Service Notice
02/15/2007 Motion for subpoena and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the OCC.
02/15/2007 Entry ordered that the hearing in this matter will be rescheduled for rebuttal testimony for February 20, 2007, at 9:30 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, Hearing Room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793 and for February 21, 2007. (GAP)
02/13/2007 Confidential Excerpt from Volume 1 (35 pgs) Exhibit 2 (28pgs) and Exhibit 3 (42pgs) (OCC), filed under seal.
02/13/2007 Transcript w/exhibits of hearing held before Hearing Examiners Steven d. Lesser and Gregory Price at the offices of the Commission on January 30, 2007. Volume 1
02/12/2007 Notice regarding its intent to cross examine rebuttal witnesses and its intent to file surrebuttal testimony, filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio staff by S. Reilly-Attorney General Section.
02/08/2007 Prepared rebuttal testimony of Michael D. Anderson on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
02/08/2007 Prepared rebuttal testimony of Larry W. Martin on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
02/08/2007 Prepared rebuttal testimony of Scott D. Phelps on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
02/08/2007 Prepared rebuttal testimony of Thomas J. Brown, Jr., filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
01/30/2007 Motion for protective order, memorandum in support filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/30/2007 Motion and memorandum in support to quash the Office of the Consumers' Counsel subpoenas of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc., filed by S. Seiple on behalf of OCC.
01/30/2007 Confidential document; Revised response to data request #12, attachment 2, part 2 filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/29/2007 Memorandum contra to the motion for continuance of Columbia Gas of Ohio, filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/29/2007 Return of service, served on S. Zurbrick of Energy Gateway LLC.
01/26/2007 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., filed by S. Seiple.
01/25/2007 Service Notice
01/25/2007 Entry ordering that the motions to intervene filed by Ohio Gas Marketers, Dominion Retail and OFBF be granted.
01/25/2007 Return of service Energy Gateway filed by W. King.
01/25/2007 Return to service filed by W. King.
01/25/2007 Return of service filed by W. King.
01/25/2007 Motion for subpoena duces tecum, memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
01/25/2007 Motion for subpoena, memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/24/2007 Motion for limited intervention, memorandum in support filed by W. Newcomb on behalf of North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC.
01/22/2007 Motion to intervene and comments filed by D. Arnold filed by The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
01/19/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer in behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc.
01/17/2007 Staff's notice of withdrawal of the prepared testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed December 13, 2006 filed by S. Reilly.
01/11/2007 Motion for limited intervention by Commerce Energy, Inc. Direct Marketing Limited, Hess Corporation, Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., MxEnergy, Inc. and Vectren Retail LLC, (Ohio Gas Marketers Group), memorandum in support filed by M. Petricoff.
12/29/2006 Service Notice
12/29/2006 Entry ordered; that the motion to strike filed and the motion to limit the scope of cross-examination filed by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., be denied, that a hearing be scheduled for January 30, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. (SDL)
12/29/2006 Transcript of proceedings held before Hearing Examiner Steven Lesser at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio on December 15, 2006. (concluded)
12/28/2006 Reply memorandum to the memoranda contra of the Ohio office of the Consumers' Counsel and the PUCO staff, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
12/22/2006 Memorandum contra to the motion to strike and to limit the scope of cross examination filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
12/21/2006 Memorandum contra to the motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to strike the testimony of the office of Consumers' Counsel, and the PUCO staff, and to limit the scope of cross examination, filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO by S. Reilly-Attorney General Section.
12/21/2006 Prepared supplemental testimony of Stephen E. Pucian, filed by PUCO.
12/19/2006 Proof of legal notice on behalf Columbia Gas Co. filed by S. Seiple.
12/14/2006 List of exhibits on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
12/14/2006 Motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc to strike the testimony of OCC and of the PUCO staff and to limit the scope of cross-examination, memorandum in support filed by S. Seiple.
12/14/2006 Motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for a continuance, memorandum in support filed by S. Seiple.
12/14/2006 Memorandum in support of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.'s motion for continuance and motion to strike the testimony of the OCC and to limit the scope of cross-examination filed by G. Hummel.
12/14/2006 Comments of Honda of America MFG. Inc. in support of motion to strike OCC testimony filed by J. Airey.
12/14/2006 Comments of Honda of America MFG., Inc. in support of continuance filed by J. Airey.
12/14/2006 Memorandum contra to the motion to intervene and comments of Honda of America MFG. Inc. and the motion to intervene of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio on behalf of OCC filed by L. Sauer.
12/13/2006 Prepared testimony of Stephen E. Puican on behalf of the PUCO staff filed by S. Reilly.
12/12/2006 Deposition of Michael D. Anderson, filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/12/2006 Deposition of Heather Bauer, filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/12/2006 Deposition of Larry W. Martin, filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/12/2006 Deposition of Thomas J. Brown, filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/12/2006 Deposition of J. Michael Ripley, filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/12/2006 Deposition of Scott D. Phelps, filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
12/11/2006 Motion to intervene and comments of Honda of America filed by J. Airey.
12/11/2006 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support filed by G. Hummel on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
12/08/2006 Prepared testimony of Michael P. Haugh on behalf of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
12/08/2006 Prepared testimony of Bruce M. Hayes on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
11/29/2006 Prepared direct testimony of J. Michael Ripley of behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
11/29/2006 Prepared direct testimony of Thomas J. Brown, Jr. on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
11/29/2006 Prepared direct testimony of Scott D. Phelps on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio , Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
11/29/2006 Prepared direct testimony of Larry W. Martin of behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Seiple.
11/29/2006 Prepared direct testimony of Michael D. Anderson of behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filled by S. Seiple.
11/13/2006 Service Notice
11/09/2006 Entry ordering that staff's request to continue the hearing date is granted in accordance with finding (2). (SDL)
10/25/2006 Motion for continuance of the staff of PUCO, filed by S. Reilly.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Michael D. Anderson and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Thomas J. Brown and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Heather Bauer and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Larry W. Martin and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of J. Michael Ripley and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
10/02/2006 Amended notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Scott D. Phelps and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer.
09/25/2006 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Michael D. Anderson and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
09/25/2006 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Scott D. Phelps and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
09/25/2006 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Larry W. Martin and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
09/25/2006 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Thomas J. Brown and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
09/25/2006 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Heather Bauer and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
09/15/2006 Report on the management/performance audit of the gas purchasing practices and policies of Columbia Gas of Ohio filed by the McFadden Consulting Group, Inc.
11/17/2005 Service Notice
11/17/2005 Entry granting OCC's requests to intervene in both cases; that IGS' motions to intervene in both cases are granted. (GLP)
10/12/2005 Entry ordered that management / performance audits of the gas purchasing practices and policies of the companies be conducted in accordance with the provisions of RFP No. U04/05-GCR-1 and the findings of this Entry; that each Company enter into a contract with its designated auditor to perform the work required to conduct the management / performance audits pursuant to RFP No. 04/05-GCR-1 and the findings of this Entry, ordered that the cost of the audits be paid by the Companies pursuant to the findings of this Entry.
10/12/2005 Service Notice
09/30/2005 Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed by B. Singh on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
09/26/2005 Transcript for proceedings before hearing examiner Stephen Lesser, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, commencing at 10:05 A.M., on Thursday, September 15, 2005 in hearing room 11-F, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
09/14/2005 Entry ordering that public hearings shall be conducted in these matters consistent with the findings herein, each company to cause publication between fifteen and thirty days prior to the date set for the hearings which are as follows; The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, June 20, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. ; The East Ohio Gas Company, July 18, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. ; Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, October 17, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. and Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., November 14, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. all to be held at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
09/14/2005 Service Notice
08/24/2005 Entry ordering that public hearings shall be conducted in these matters consistent with the Findings herein at the time specified in Finding (3); that the audits for Reporting Quarters pursuant to Finding (6), herein, shall be filed with the Commission; that the Commission Staff submit the Request For Proposal for conducting each management/performance audit to various auditing and consulting firms, as required under Chapter 4901:1-14, Ohio Administrative Code, and Findings (8) and (9); that the Companies bear the cost of the management/performance audit as provided in Finding (10); that the notice required in Finding (4) shall be published in substantially that form, as individually applicable, and shall be published in a section of the newspaper other than the legal notice section; that the Companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth herein.
08/24/2005 Service Notice
07/15/2005 Independent Accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures for uncollectible expense recovery mechanism and accounts receivable regulatory asset balance filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by the Board of Directors.
07/15/2005 Annual examination of the financial procedural aspects of the uniform purchased gas adjustment for the twelve months ended October 26, 2004 filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
03/30/2005 Motion to intervene on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Sauer.
02/18/2005 Service Notice
10/06/2004 Entry stating that public hearings be conducted in these matters consistent with the findings at the time specified in finding (3); that the notice required in Finding (4) be published in a section of the newspaper other than the legal notice section; that the audits for the Reporting Quarters be filed with the Commission pursuant to Finding (6); that the auditors provide the documentation necessary to support their conclusions and recommendations as specified in Finding (13).
10/06/2004 Service Notice
01/02/2004 In the matter of the regulation of the purchased gas adjustment clauses contained within the rate schedules of Columbia Gas of Ohio and related matters.