DIS - Case Record for 03-1384-GA-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/06/2004 Service Notice
08/06/2004 Entry ordering that all gas and natural gas companies file their GCR report(s), for the last quarter of 2004, in Case No. 04-1225-GA-GCR, that all gas and natural gas companies comply with the directives of finding 5. (GS)
08/06/2004 Service Notice
05/13/2004 Service Notice
05/12/2004 Entry on rehearing stating that Shell and OCC's applications are granted in part and denied in part; that further amendments to Rules 4901:1-14-04 and 4901:1-14-06 O.A.C. are adopted as set forth in this entry on rehearing; that the Commission is the ultimate arbiter of the meaning of the rules; that this order be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law.
05/06/2004 Service Notice
05/05/2004 Entry ordering that OCC's application for rehearing is granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing.
04/21/2004 Entry on rehearing stating that Shell's application for rehearing is granted for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time to consider the issue raised.
04/21/2004 Service Notice
04/19/2004 Memorandum of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio contra the application for rehearing and motion for clarification of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by H. Liebman.
04/19/2004 Memorandum Contra of Columbia Gas of Ohio , Inc. to the application for rehearing and motion for clarification of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by R. Anderson.
04/19/2004 Correspondence asking Commission to reconsider the modifications made to existing rules filed on behalf of ACN Energy, Inc. by J. Sanders.
04/09/2004 Application for rehearing, motion for clarification and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by L. Sauer.
04/05/2004 Memorandum contra to the applications for rehearing of Shell Energy Company, LLC and Energy America, LLC, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by R. Anderson.
04/05/2004 Letter supporting application for rehearing filed on March 29, 2004 by Shell Energy Company, LLC filed on behalf of Energy America, LLC by J. Einstein, IV.
04/02/2004 Letter stating that Energy America, LLC an intervener in this case, after reading application for rehearing concurs with Shell Energy and is in support of arguments filed by J. Einstein IV.
03/26/2004 Application for rehearing of Shell Energy Company, LLC filed by J. Einstein.
03/11/2004 Finding and order, ordered that the current Rule 4901:1-14-01, O.A.C. is hereby rescinded upon the effective date of the new Rule 4901:1-14-01 as attached herein, that the amendments to the attached rules are hereby adopted and the amended rules in Chapter 4901:1-14, O.A.C. shall be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission and the Secretary of state in accordance with divisions (D) and (E) of Section 111.15, Revised Code, that the Commission is the ultimate arbiter of the meaning of the rules in Chapter 4901:1-14, O.A.C., that the amendments adopted to the rules as attached herein be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for Chapter 49011-14, O.A.C. shall be November 30, 2008.
08/15/2003 Comments filed on behalf of Energy America, LLC and Shell Energy Company, LLC by J. Migden.
08/15/2003 Reply comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by R. Anderson.
08/15/2003 Reply comments filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by H. Liebman.
08/15/2003 Reply comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers Counsel by L. Sauer.
08/15/2003 Notice of service of Joint Notice of The Ohio Gas Company, Pike Natural Gas Company, Eastern Natural Gas Company and Southeastern Natural Gas Company by L. Gatchell.
08/15/2003 Notice of service of initial comments of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., by L. Gatchell.
08/15/2003 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Finnigan, Jr.
08/15/2003 Joint reply comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Gas Marketers' Group and National Energy Marketers Association by H. Petricoff and C. Goodman.
08/12/2003 Notice of service of initial comments of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Gainer.
08/07/2003 Service Notice
08/06/2003 Entry ordered that each person who filed comments in this docket shall serve a copy of those comments, as well as any reply comments, on the person listed in the appendix and on the Attorney Examiner by e-mail. (GS)
08/01/2003 Initial comments filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Finnigan, Jr.
08/01/2003 Joint initial comments on behalf of the Ohio Gas Marketers Group and National Energy Marketers Association filed by M. Petricoff.
08/01/2003 Comments of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by H. Liebman.
08/01/2003 Initial comments filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries.
08/01/2003 Initial comments of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, filed by Lisa Gatchell
08/01/2003 Joint notice of the Ohio Gas Company, Pike Natural Gas Company, Eastern Natural Gas Company, and Southeastern Natural Gas Company filed by G. Hummell.
08/01/2003 Comments of Energy America, LLC and Shell Energy Company, LLC filed by J. Migden.
08/01/2003 Initial comments and proposed revisions to the uniform purchased gas adjustment of the Ohio Consumers Counsel filed by L. Sauer.
08/01/2003 Initial Comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by R. Anderson.
07/01/2003 Entry ordering that public comments and proposed language revisions for the attached rules are to be filed by August 1, 2003, and reply comments by August 15, 2003.
06/18/2003 In the matter of the Commission's Review of Chapter 4901:1-14 (Uniformed Purchase Gas Adjustment), of the Ohio Administrative Code.