DIS - Case Record for 02-2967-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/12/2003 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 6, Transmittal tariff sheets are as follows: check lists 407th revised sheet No.1 check lists 6th revised sheet No.1A check lists 87th revised sheet No.9 section 2.1 1st revised sheet No. 26A section 2.5 3rd revised sheet No. 123 section 3-Pomeroy 22nd revised sheet No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by T. Colquitt.
07/29/2003 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of one-way, flat-rate EAS between Verizon's Pomeroy exchange and Citizen's Telecommunications of West Virginia's New Haven exchange will be December 10, 2003 at 12:01 am, filed on behalf of respondent, Verizon North by C. Cole.
07/08/2003 Finding & Order that the request for nonoptional, flat-rate EAS is granted one-way from the Pomeroy Exchange to the New Haven Exchange.
02/24/2003 Correspondence letter to Mick Davenport reminding him of the telephonic settlement conference on February 26, 2003, filed by K. Sheets, PUCO staff.
02/07/2003 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Verizon North, by C. Cole.
02/06/2003 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Verizon North, by C. Cole. (Fax)
01/15/2003 Affidavit of Dorinda Lanier filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by D. Lanier.
01/15/2003 Entry ordering that CTC-WV be relieved of the requirement of filing data for the New Haven/Pomeroy toll route, and that CTC-WV be dismissed as a respondent in this case.(KS)
01/13/2003 Affidavit of Andrea T. Varasso, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., by C. Ware.
01/03/2003 Answer filed on behalf respondent, Verizon North, Inc., by W. Keating (orig. copy).
01/02/2003 Answer of Verizon North, Inc. filed on behalf of respondent by Wm. Keating.(FAX)
01/02/2003 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Citizens Telecommunications Company of West Virginia, by J. Swatts.
12/18/2002 Service Notice
12/16/2002 Entry ordering Verizon and Citizens Telecom to file their written answers or responsive pleadings by 1/3/03; that the IXCs provide the information required by Finding (3) to Verizon and Citizens Telecom on or before 1/10/03; that each of the IXCs file an affidavit, as required by Finding (4), on or before 1/10/03; that the respondents coordinate all the calling information in accordance with Finding (5); that the respondents provide the information required by Finding (6) by 2/14/03; that the respondents provide the information required by Finding (7) by 3/14/03; that the parties comply with Finding (8); that a telephonic settlement conference be held on 2/26/03 at 10:00 a.m. (KS)
11/12/2002 In the matter of the petition of Mick Davenport and subscribers of the 992 Meigs County exchange of Verizon North, Inc. for extended area service to the (304) 882 exchange.