DIS - Case Record for 02-2906-EL-ATA Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: ATA-Application for tariff approval
Date Opened: 11/4/2002
Date Closed: 7/12/2006
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/12/2006Service Notice3
07/12/2006Entry ordering that Duke's motion to withdraw the application be granted and that this case be closed of record.1
05/24/2006Motion to withdraw application and memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.5
03/23/2004Notice of withdrawal of Bruce J. Weston as counsel, continues to be represented by Evelyn Robinson filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company.2
03/16/2004Service Notice3
03/15/2004Entry ordering that a procedural conference be held 5/13/04, at 10:00 a.m. in Hearing Room 11D at the Commission offices. (SF)1
03/05/2004Entry ordering that CG&E and Strategic file a notice on the status of settlement negotiations. (SF)2
03/05/2004Service Notice3
01/12/2004Service Notice3
01/12/2004Entry ordering that the joint motion for a continuance of the hearing is granted, that the parties advise the attorney examiner by January 31, 2004, on the status of settlement discussions. (SF)2
12/22/2003Service Notice3
12/19/2003Supreme Court papers filed.8
11/26/2003Entry ordering that the joint motion for a continuance of the hearing is granted, that CG&E and Strategic advise the Attorney Examiner by December 31, 2003, on the status of settlement discussions. (SF)5
11/24/2003Joint motion for a continuance, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert and Strategic Energy LLC by H. Petricoff.5
11/21/2003Notice of Appeal filed (S.C.No. 03-2034)7
11/07/2003Responses to staff's third set of data request (Redacted set) and Motion and memorandum in support for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in responses filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Finnigan.54
11/07/2003Responses to PUCO Staff Data Requests filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric, (FILED UNDER SEAL)5
10/10/2003Entry granting the staff motion for a continuance of the hearing to Dec. 1, 2003 at 10:00 AM, hearing room 11 D, Commission Offices. (SEF)2
10/10/2003Service notice filed.3
10/09/2003Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. Lindgren.3
10/06/2003Confidential responses to Staff's second set of data requests, filed on behalf of applicant. (FILED UNDER SEAL)4
10/06/2003Motion for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in responses to staff data requests and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Finnigan, Jr.12
10/03/2003Exhibits of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company Vol III.141
10/03/2003Direct testimony of Brian Begg filed by S. Howard on behalf of Strategic Energy LLC.6
10/03/2003Exhibits of CG&E VOL. 2 continued. ( part 2 of 2 )143
10/03/2003Exhibits of CG&E VOL. 1 continued. (part 2 of 2)189
10/03/2003Prefiled Direct testimony of Michael W. Burns on behalf of intervenor the Village of Indian Hill.9
10/03/2003Exhibits filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company Vol I. (part 1 of 2)200
10/03/2003Direct testimony of William L. Greene on behalf of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.8
10/03/2003Motion of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in pre-filed testimony and exhibits filed by J. Gainer.7
10/03/2003Direct testimony of Leigh J. Pefley on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.25
10/03/2003Exhibits 11-20 of CG&E continued. (Volume 2) (Part 1 of 2)150
10/01/2003Entry ordered that Ohio Energy Group, Inc. and Green Mountain Energy Company's motions to intervene are granted. (SF)2
10/01/2003Service Notice3
09/26/2003Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Co. by E. Robinson.14
09/24/2003Response to CG&E first set of interrogatories and request for production of documents filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group, Inc. by M. Kortz.4
09/23/2003Notice of substitution of counsel filed by S. Bloomfield.2
09/23/2003Entry ordering that the application for rehearing filed by The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company is denied and the motion for a stay of the effectiveness of this entry is denied, further ordered that The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company provide to the Village of Indian Hill by September 26, 2003, an updated list of customer information, including account numbers, for all customers residing with the governmental aggregator's boundaries.7
09/23/2003Service Notice3
09/23/2003Entry ordered that staff's motion to file direct testimony on or before October 9, 2003, is granted. (SF)2
09/19/2003Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. Lindgren.3
09/15/2003Memorandum in opposition to the application for rehearing and motion for stay submitted by The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, filed on behalf of The Village of Indian Hill.14
09/15/2003Memorandum contra the application for rehearing of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by J. Sanders.9
09/15/2003Notice of substitution of counsel, filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by J. Sanders. 2
09/15/2003Memorandum contra application for rehearing and motion for stay, filed on behalf of The Office of Consumers Counsel by K. Boyko.12
09/13/2003Service Notice.2
09/12/2003Ohio Energy Group, Inc.'s petition to intervene filed by D. Boehm Boehm, David F. Esq. filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group, Inc.. 2
09/12/2003Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.2
09/12/2003Memorandum in support of the Ohio Energy Group, Inc.'s Petition to intervene filed by D. Boehm.1
09/05/2003Application for rehearing and motion for stay , filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert.23
09/02/2003Entry ordering that CG&E provide to the Village of Indian Hill an updated list of customer information, including account numbers, for all customers residing within the governmental aggregator's boundaries by no later than September 8, 2003; that the motions to intervene filed by Strategic Energy, AK Steel Corp., Dominion Retail, Village of Indian Hill, OCC, Morant Americas Retail Energy Marketing, and Calpine Corp. be granted; parties have until September 26, 2003 to intervene; parties have until October 3, 2003 to file direct testimony; scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on October 14, 2003, Hearing Room 11-D, Commission offices.6
08/22/2003Response to supplemental comments of Strategic Energy, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.20
08/22/2003Response to comments of Dominion Retail, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.16
08/22/2003Response to comments of the Village of Indian Hill, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.27
08/08/2003Comments filed on behalf of the Village of Indian Hill by D. Hart.14
07/23/2003Reply comments in response to comments of Mirant Americas Retail Energy Marketing, LP and Calpine Corporation, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Finnigan, Jr.8
07/22/2003Supplemental comments filed on behalf of Strategic Energy LLC by S. Howard.12
07/10/2003Comments of Mirant Americas Retail Energy Marketing, LP and Calpine Corporation, filed by M. Smith.10
06/20/2003Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Mirant Americas Retail Energy Marketing and Calpine Corp. by M. Smith.5
06/16/2003Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Smart.5
06/10/2003Letter filed by NOPEC in objections of CG&E to impose collateral requirements on governmental aggregators, filed by D. DiLiberto.3
06/02/2003Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the Village of Indian Hill by D. Hart.5
05/20/2003Comments of Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by M. Smith. 12
05/20/2003Responsive comments filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.15
05/13/2003Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by M. Smith.5
05/06/2003Letter to Commission relative to compliance filing after public hearings May 8 and 9, 2003 are held, filed on behalf of Eagle Energy, LLC by D. Marshall.4
03/18/2003Reply to CG&E's memorandum contra motion to intervene filed on behalf of AK Steel Corporation by D. Boehm.5
03/10/2003Memorandum contra to AK Steel Corporation's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of CG&E Co. by J. Finnigan.7
02/28/2003Motion for leave to intervene of AK Steel Corporation memorandum in support , filed by D. Boehm4
01/09/2003Motion for Leave to Intervene filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C., by S. Howard.5
11/04/2002In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to modify its retail electric tariff and certified supplier tariff. (original)106