DIS - Case Record for 02-2719-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/10/2003 Memo automatically approving the application with the effective date of September 10, 2003.
08/19/2003 Signature page of interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
07/28/2003 Amendment to interconnection agreement filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon; and T-Mobile USA, Inc. by D. Merser.
07/01/2003 Entry ordering that the extension of time be granted, that the interconnection agreement between T-Mobile USA, Inc. fka VoiceStream Wireless Corporation and SBC Ohio (formerly Ameritech Ohio) be filed with the Commission no later than July 21, 2003.
06/30/2003 Letter requesting extension of time, until July 21, 2003, in which to file a conforming interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M.K. Fenlon and T-Mobile USA, Inc., by D. Menser.
06/10/2003 Supplemental Opinion & Order that the facilities which carry traffic from TMO's MSC to SBC's end offices or tandems shall be priced on the basis of access rates; that SBC and TMO shall execute and file an interconnection agreement within 20 days from the date of this supplemental opinion & order, on the basis of the analysis set forth herein.
05/14/2003 Entry ordering that the hearing scheduled for May 19, 2003, be cancelled. (JK)
05/09/2003 T-Mobile's second memorandum in support of TELRIC pricing provisions pursuant to Federal Law and the Commission's December 19, 2002 Order and T-Mobile's notice of appearance as counsel of record, filed by M. Fettman.
05/08/2003 T-Mobiles second memorandum in support of TELRIC pricing provisions pursuant to Federal Law and the Commission's December 19, 2002 order and Notice of appearance as counsel of record, filed on behalf of T-Mobile by M. Fettman. (Fax)
05/08/2003 Final brief on facilities pricing for T-Mobile/SBC Ohio interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
05/05/2003 Service Notice
05/02/2003 Entry ordering that the parties in this matter shall submit briefs by May 8, 2003; scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on May 19, 2003, Hearing Room 11-D, Commission offices. (JK)
05/01/2003 Entry ordering that the hearing in this matter scheduled for 2:30 p.m., Thursday, May 8, 2003 be cancelled. (JK)
04/30/2003 Motion and memorandum in support for admission pro hac vice of Dennis G. Friedman, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
04/22/2003 Entry ordering that this matter be scheduled for public hearing at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2003, at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11B&C, 11th fl.(JK)
02/25/2003 Reply comments on behalf of T-Mobile in support of TELRIC Pricing Provisions filed by M. Fettman.
02/24/2003 Reply comments in support of TELRIC pricing provisions; filed on behalf of T-Mobile by M. Fettman. (FAX)
02/24/2003 Reply comments in opposition to T-Mobile's proposed TELRIC pricing provisions to include in the interconnection agreement; filed on behalf of SBC-Ohio by M.K.Fenlon.
02/19/2003 Memorandum in support of T-Mobile's interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of T-Mobile by D. Menser.
02/18/2003 Initial comments filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
02/18/2003 Memorandum in support of T-Mobile's interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA by D. Menser. (Fax)
02/07/2003 Conforming language to an amendment to the ported interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA by D. Menser; and SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
01/29/2003 Entry granting the requested extension; that the interconnection agreement between TMO and Ameritech be filed with the Commission no later than February 7, 2003. (JWK)
01/28/2003 Letter requesting an extension of time to file Interconnection Agreement between T-Mobile USA by D. Menser and SBC-Ohio by M.Fenlon.
12/19/2002 Opinion & Order that Ameritech and TMO shall execute and file an interconnection agreement within 40 days from the date of this Opinion and Order
11/25/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA by D. Menser.
11/25/2002 Attachment A to the reply brief filed on November 22, 2002, filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
11/22/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
11/22/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA by D. Menser. (Fax)
11/22/2002 Arbitration hearing reply brief filed on behalf of intervenor, Verizon Wireless, by T. Rodgers.
11/19/2002 Initial Brief filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA,Inc. by D. Menser
11/18/2002 Brief filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
11/18/2002 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Verizon Wireless by T. Rodgers.
11/18/2002 Initial arbitration hearing brief filed on behalf of Verizon Wireless by T. Rodgers.
11/18/2002 Initial brief filed on behalf of T-Mobile USA, Inc. by D. Menser. (FAX)
10/21/2002 In the matter of the application for arbitration of T-Mobile USA, Inc. fka VoiceStream Wireless Corporation.