DIS - Case Record for 02-1926-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/23/2017 Updated Notice of cancellation of certificate # 02-034G(7), Metromedia Energy, Inc., effective 10/23/16.
03/13/2017 Case Action Form Closing case(s)pursuant to the Commission’s September 14, 2016 Finding and Order in Case Number 15-01-AU-RPT. Case Status Form electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Richard M. Bulgrin, Attorney Examiner.
01/19/2017 Notice of cancellation of Certificate No. 02-034(7) issued.
10/24/2014 Certificate # 02-034G(7) issued.
10/17/2014 Confidential document target: Financial Exhibits filed by G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc. (6 pages)
09/22/2014 Renewal Application for Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers of Metromedia Energy, Inc. filed by Gordon Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
09/22/2014 Motion seeking protective order and memorandum in support designating Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 of the certification renewal application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. filed by M. Meluch.
09/22/2014 Confidential document target; Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4 and C-5 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy Inc. by M. Meluch. (24 pgs)
02/06/2013 Confidential Release of document: Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4 and C-5 filed on September 23, 2010.
02/06/2013 Confidential Release of document: Exhibit C-4, filed on September 19, 2008.
01/29/2013 Service Notice
01/28/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry orders that the motions for a protective order filed by Metromedia Energy, Inc. be granted with regard to confidential exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 of the company's renewal application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier. The protective order directs Docketing to keep exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 under seal for a period of 24 months. The entry also directs Docketing to release into the public record former confidential exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5, filed under seal in this docket on September 23, 2010, as well as the information found in exhibit C-4, filed under seal in this docket on September 19, 2008. electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/22/2013 Motion seeking protective order designating supplemental, exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5 of the amended renewal application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. as confidential and memorandum in support filed by M. Deavers.
12/17/2012 Motion for protective order filed by M. Deavers on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
12/17/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by Maribeth Deavers on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
10/31/2012 Certificate #02-034G(6) issued.
10/25/2012 Renewal Certificate 02-034G(6) issued.
10/24/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-3 on behalf of Metromedia Energy Inc., filed by G. Pozza. (18 pgs)
10/23/2012 Amended application filed by G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
10/23/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by Gordon Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy.
10/23/2012 Confidential treatment of documents: Exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5 filed by Gordon Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy Inc. (7 pages)
10/01/2012 Confidential Document Target for Metromedia Energy, Inc. of Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, & C-5 filed by Gordon Pozza.
10/01/2012 Motion and Memorandum in Support of Protective Order for Metromedia Energy, Inc. designating Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 of the certification renewal application as confidential, filed by S. Spiewak.
09/21/2012 Renewal Certificate Application for Metromedia Energy as a Natural Gas Supplier filed by G. Pozza.
11/17/2010 Service Notice
11/17/2010 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by ME be granted with regard to the information contained in exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 filed September 23, 2010 and exhibit C-4 filed September 19, 2008 for a period of 24 months, ending October 21, 2012 and the docketing division release exhibits B-3 and C-3 filed August 20, 2004 and August 26, 2004; exhibits B-3, C-3 and C-4 filed on September 19, 2006 and exhibits B-3 and C-3 filed September 19, 2008. (KKS)
11/04/2010 Certificate 02-034G (5) issued.
09/23/2010 Confidential document target for Exhibits B-3, C-3, C-4, and C-5 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy by G. Pozza.
09/23/2010 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy filed by G. Pozza.
09/20/2010 Renewal application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. filed by G. Pozza.
07/23/2009 Service Notice.
07/23/2009 Entry ordering that the motion by MME for protective treatment of Exhibit C-5, filed on November 18, 2008, be granted for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry; that the Commission's docketing division shall maintain, under seal, Exhibit C-5 of MME's 2008 certification renewal application, as filed on November 18, 2008, for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry. (RH)
12/09/2008 Revised Section A of Metromedia Energy's CRNGS certificate renewal application filed by G. Pozza.
11/19/2008 Certificate 02-034 (4) issued.
11/18/2008 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy Inc. by G. Pozza.
11/18/2008 Revisions to Exhibits B-3, C-5, and D-2 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc. by G. Pozza.
11/18/2008 Confidential document: Exhibit C-5 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy by G. Pozza.
10/27/2008 Service Notice
10/27/2008 Entry granting Metromedia Energy, Inc.'s motion for protective treatment of exhibits B-3, C-3, and C-4, filed on September 19, 2008, for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry, and that the Commission's docketing division shall maintain them under seal. (JWK)
09/24/2008 Motion seeking protective order designating exhibits B-3, C-3 and C-4 to the renewal application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. as confidential and memorandum in support filed by G. Pozza.
09/19/2008 Confidential Document: Exhibits B-3, C-3 and C-4 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy by G. Pozza. (42 pgs).
09/19/2008 Redacted exhibits B-3, C-3, and C-4 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc. by G. Pozza.
09/19/2008 Motion seeking protective order designating exhibits B-3, C-3 and C-4 to the renewal application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. as confidential and memorandum in support filed by G. Pozza.
09/19/2008 Renewal certification application for competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed by G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
11/27/2006 Certificate No. 02-034 (3) issued.
10/27/2006 Renewal certificate 02-034(3) issued.
10/06/2006 Service Notice
10/05/2006 Entry ordered that the motion of Metromedia for a protective order is granted, exhibits B-3,C-3 and C-4 are granted protected status and will remain under seal for the 18-month period from the date of this entry. (SF)
09/20/2006 Motion for protective order of Metromedia Energy, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by G. Pozza.
09/19/2006 Motion seeking protective order, memorandum in support filed by S. Spiewak on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
09/19/2006 Motion for extension of certificate expiration, memorandum in support filed G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy Inc.
09/19/2006 Certification renewal application filed by G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc.
09/29/2004 Revised Answers to A-3, A-11 and A-12 of Metromedia Energy's certification renewal application filed by G. Pozza.
09/24/2004 Revised answers to A-3, A-11, and A-12 of the application filed by G. Pozza on behalf of Metromedia Energy. (FAX)
09/24/2004 Renewal Certificate 02-034(2) issued.
09/16/2004 Entry ordering that the motion of ECO for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part; that the motion of MME for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part; that the request of ECO for a waiver of the 18-month time period contained in Rule 4901-1-24(F), O.A.C. is denied. (JS)
09/16/2004 Service Notice
08/26/2004 Confidential Exhibits B-3 and C-3, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Kessler. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/26/2004 Entry ordered, that the requests of Metromedia to extend its certification is granted, accordingly the current CRNGS certification of Metromedia (02-34 (1) shall now expire on September 25, 2004, unless the Commission orders otherwise at a later time. (GLP)
08/26/2004 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support, redacted Exhibits B-3 and C-3 filed on behalf of Metromedia Energy, Inc. by P. Kessler. (original)
08/26/2004 Service Notice
08/25/2004 Motion for Extension of Certificate Renewal Date, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Kessler. (original)
08/25/2004 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by P. Kessler. (FAX)
08/24/2004 Motion for extension of Certificate Renewal Date, and supporting memorandum filed on behalf of applicant by P. Kessler.
08/20/2004 Confidential portion of application for certification renewal application for gas supplier, Exhibits B-3 and C-3, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Pozza. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/20/2004 Application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. for renewal certification for competitive retail natural gas suppliers, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Pozza.
07/16/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Entry ordering that the motions for protective order are granted in part and denied in part; that, for 6 months from the date of this entry the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain under seal the protected information; that GASMARK's supplemental C-5 be redacted from the public record and placed under seal for 6 months; that the requests of Volunteer, Energy America, AEP, ECO and ProLiance for a waiver of the 18-month time frame is denied; that OCC's motions to intervene are denied; that ACN's motion for expedited treatment of its certification application is denied; that Volunteer's motion for a protective order is granted; that the Case Nos. 02-1654-GA-CRS, 02-1668-GA-CRS, 02-1680-GA-CRS, 02-1786-GA-CRS, 02-1828-GA-CRS, 02-1829-GA-CRS, 02-1864-GA-CRS, 02-1889-GA-CRS, 02-1891-GA-CRS, 02-1893-GA-CRS, 02-1909-GA-CRS, 02-1926-GA-CRS, and 02-1968-GA-CRS be closed of record. (GP)
09/05/2002 Supplemental filing submitted on behalf of applicant by G. Pozza.
08/30/2002 Certificate No. 02-034(1) issued.
08/26/2002 Motion to intervene; statement of good cause why the application should not be granted, and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
08/20/2002 Additions to Exhibits D-2 and D-3 filed on behalf of applicant by G. Pozza.
07/29/2002 In the matter of the application of Metromedia Energy, Inc. for certification as a retail natural gas supplier.