DIS - Case Record for 02-1254-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/19/2003 Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordering that, pursuant to the May 27, 2003, joint request of the parties and the May 29, 2003, entry approving the parties' interconnection agreement, the Performance Measurements Appendix shall be deemed withdrawn from the parties' approved interconnection agreement.
06/19/2003 Service Notice.
05/29/2003 Entry approving application and closing case of record.
05/27/2003 Performance measurements filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon; and TDS Metrocom by T. O'Brien.
05/01/2003 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon and TDS Telecom by T. O'Brien. (part 3 of 3)
05/01/2003 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon and TDS Telecom by T. O'Brien. (part 2 of 3)
05/01/2003 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon and TDS Metrocom T. O'Brien.(part 1 of 3)
04/09/2003 Entry ordering that the parties request to extend the time within which to file their interconnection agreement is granted and the parties file their entire interconnection By April 30, 2003. (DJ)
04/09/2003 Service Notice
04/01/2003 Request for an additional extension of time, until April 30, 2003, in which to file a conforming interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom by T. O'Brien; and SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
03/21/2003 Entry granting extension of time until April 1, 2003 to file interconnection agreement (LJ)
03/17/2003 Request of additional extension of time until April 1, 2003 in which to file a conforming interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom by T. O'Brien and SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
03/10/2003 Service notice filed.
03/07/2003 Entry ordering that the parties request to extend the time within which the parties must docket their interconnection agreement or submit proposed language is granted, the parties file their entire interconnection agreement or proposed language for Commission approval by March 18, 2003. (DJ)
02/18/2003 Additional requested extension of time filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom by T. O'Brien; and SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.
02/13/2003 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing filed by TDS is granted in part and denied in part.
01/27/2003 Memorandum Contra to the application for rehearing of TDS Metrocom, Inc., filed on behalf of SBC-Ohio by M.K. Fenlon.
01/17/2003 Application for rehearing and Memorandum in Support, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocomm, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.
01/14/2003 Entry granting request for extension of time to file interconnection agreement or submit proposed language and must be filed by January 30, 2003 (DJ)
12/27/2002 Letter requesting a four-week extension of time, to January 30, 2003, in which to file a conforming interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of both parties TDS Metrocom, T. O'Brien and SBC Ameritech Ohio, M. Fenlon
12/19/2002 Arbitration award ordering that within ten days of the filing of the interconnection agreement, any party or other interested persons may file written comments supporting or opposing the proposed interconnection agreement and that any party or other interested persons may file its response to comments within five days thereafter.
11/21/2002 Memorandum contra to the motion for leave to file sur-reply instanter of SBC Ameritech Ohio or, in the alternative, motion to dismiss the sur-reply of SBC Ameritech Ohio, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
11/15/2002 Motion for leave to file sur-reply filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
11/12/2002 Submission of supplemental authority filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
11/04/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
11/04/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
10/28/2002 Erratum to SBC Ameritech Ohio's initial brief on the merits filed by M. Fenlon.
10/24/2002 Post hearing brief of TDS MetroCom, Inc. filed by T. O'Brien.
10/24/2002 SBC Ameritech Ohio's initial brief on the merits filed by M. Fenlon.
10/22/2002 Transcript filed for hearing held October 8, 2002, (LDJ), 134 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Part 1 of 2)
10/22/2002 Exhibits (various testimonies) for transcript of hearing held October 8, 2002. (Part 2 of 2)
10/03/2002 Letter regarding the schedule of the hearing, briefs, reply briefs and arbitration award, filed by staff J. Jennings.
09/27/2002 Entry ordering that Ameritech's motion to strike portions from the testimony of TDS's witness Kenneth R. Cox is granted; that Ameritech's motion to compel a response to Discovery Request 6c is granted; that Ameritech's motion to compel a response to Discovery Request 7 is denied; that TDS's motion to strike the testimony of Michael B. Odle is granted; that Ameritech's motion to protect the information contained in the testimony of Michael B. Odle is granted. (LDJ)
09/27/2002 Service Notice.
08/29/2002 Reply to Ameritech Ohio's memorandum contra TDS' motion to strike rebuttal testimony of Michael D. Odle, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
08/26/2002 Memorandum contra TDS's motion to strike rebuttal testimony of Michael D. Odle, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
08/26/2002 Reply in support of motion to compel responses to discovery requests 6.c and 7 or, in the alternative, to strike TDS's testimony on the subjects to which requests 6c and 7 relate, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
08/26/2002 Reply in support of its motion to strike, field on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
08/21/2002 Request for an indefinite continuance of the hearing in this proceeding, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien; and Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
08/20/2002 Memorandum contra Ameritech Ohio's motion to strike, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
08/20/2002 Memorandum contra Ameritech Ohio's motion to compel responses to discovery requests 6.c and 7 or, in the alternative, to strike TDS' testimony on the subjects to which requests 6.c and 7 relate, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
08/20/2002 Motion to strike rebuttal testimony of Michael D. Odle, filed on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc. by T. O'Brien.
08/19/2002 Correspondence letter to Thomas J. O'Brien and Mary Ryan Fenlon regarding the schedule dates, filed by L. D. Jennings, PUCO staff.
08/16/2002 Motion to compel responses to discovery requests 6.c and 7, or, in the alternative, to strike TDS's testimony on the subjects to which requests 6.c and 7 relate filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
08/16/2002 Confidential rebuttal testimony of Michael B. Odle filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/16/2002 Rebuttal testimony of Michael B. Odle (public version), motion for protective order and memorandum in support, and motion to compel responses to discovery, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly.
08/13/2002 Motion to strike on behalf of SBC Ameritech Ohio filed by M. Fenlon
08/02/2002 Joint Matrix of open issues and positions on behalf of TDS Metrocom, Inc and Ameritech Ohio filed T. O'Brien.
08/02/2002 Arbitration package of TDS MetroCom, Inc. filed by T. O'Brien.
08/02/2002 SBC Ameritech Ohio's arbitration package filed by M. Fenlon.
07/25/2002 Reservation of rights filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
07/09/2002 Errata to Ameritech Ohio's response to TDS's petition for arbitration, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Fenlon.
07/01/2002 Correspondence letter to TDS Metrocom and Ameritech Ohio showing the schedule governing the arbitration proceeding, filed by D. Jennings, PUCO staff.
06/24/2002 Ameritech Ohio 's response to TDS'S petition for arbitration filed by M. Fenlon. part 1 of 2
06/24/2002 Response continue part 2 of 2.
06/18/2002 Letter to confirm that a prehearing conference involving TDS Metrocom, Inc. and Ameritech Ohio, is scheduled for Tuesday, 6/25/02, at 2:30 p.m. by staff D. Jennings.
05/30/2002 Application continued. (Part 3 of 3)
05/30/2002 Application continued. (Part 2 of 3)
05/30/2002 In the matter of the petition of TDS Metrocom, Inc. for arbitration of interconnection rates, terms and conditions and related arrangements with Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba Ameritech Ohio pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (Part 1 of 3)