DIS - Case Record for 02-0564-EL-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/08/2006 Service Notice
12/21/2005 Entry ordered that EDU's and CRES providers remove Ohio Electric Choice contact information from customer bills as soon as feasible of when current bill stock is depleted. The Commission waives EDU and CRES provider compliance with rule 4901:1-10-33(C)(18)and Rule 4901:1-21-18(C), O.A.C, as set forth in finding (5).
12/21/2005 Service Notice
11/09/2005 Entry ordering that applications for rehearing filed by OCC, NOPEC, and LICA are denied.
09/28/2005 Finding and order extending the hours of the Commission's call center and granting a waiver for portions of various administrative code rules in relation to statutory changes mandated by Amended House Bill 66.
04/14/2004 Service Notice.
04/14/2004 Entry granting CG&E's request for a temporary waiver until May 1, 2004.
03/24/2004 Supplement to the motion for waiver of certain requirements pursuant to O.A.C. 4901:1-10 et seq. and 4901:1-21 et seq. filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by T. McIntosh.
01/13/2004 Motion for waiver of certain requirements pursuant to O.A.C. 4901:1-10 et. seq.. and 4901:1-21 et. seq. and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert
07/08/2003 Third Entry on Rehearing denying WPS's application for rehearing as discussed in this entry.
07/08/2003 Service Notice
07/01/2003 Entry ordered that CG&E's request for a waiver of ESSS rule 33(H)(1), the partial payment priority, is granted.
07/01/2003 Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordered that ESSS rules 4, 5 and 6 shall be amended as noted and filed with the joint committee on agency rule review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State in accordance with division (D) and (E) of Section 111.15, revised code, to be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law.
07/01/2003 Entry ordered that WPS's applications for rehearing is granted for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time to consider the issues raised on rehearing.
06/16/2003 Memorandum contra WPS Energy Services, Inc.'s application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik.
06/06/2003 Application for rehearing, filed on behalf of WPS Energy Services, Inc. by M. Petricoff.
06/03/2003 Motion for a waiver and memorandum in support filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert.
05/08/2003 Second Entry on Rehearing ordering that FirstEnergy's application for rehearing in regards to ESSS Rule 22(B)(23), O.A.C is denied and granted as to ESSS Rules 29(E) and 29(I) and CRES Rule 6(B), O.A.C; that ESSS Rule 29(E) and (I), and CRES Rule 6(B), O.A.c. be amended as discussed in this entry and reflected in the attached rule revisions.
05/01/2003 Entry ordering that the electric utilities comply with finding 2, that the reports filed by the electric utilities in the current docket numbers be transferred to the assigned dockets and the current dockets closed of record, that FirstEnergy's and Monongahela's request for an extension of time to file their respective Rule 26 report are granted and that Monongahela file its complete report by no later than July 1, 2003.
04/17/2003 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
03/18/2003 Entry on rehearing, ordered that DP&L's and NewEnergy's motion to amend its application for rehearing is granted, the applications for rehearing are granted and denied as discussed, the attached amendments to Chapter 4901:1-10, are hereby adopted; copies of the adopted revisions be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, The Legislative Service Commission and the Secretary of State; the adopted rule revisions be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law; the review date for Chapters 4901-1-22 and 4901:1-23, O.A.C. shall be September 30, 2007; each EDU filed with the Commission applications to amend their tariff in accordance with these rules, if necessary, by no later that 60 days after the rules being adopted in this case become effective by law, until such filings are approved the Commission, the rules adopted herein supersede any conflicts or inconsistencies adverse to the customers rising from a company's tariff, that EDU's implement a process with CRES providers to address pre-PIPP arrearages in accordance with Rule 29(I).
11/22/2002 Service Notice.
11/21/2002 Entry granting the applications for rehearing for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing.
11/04/2002 Memorandum contra certain applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.
11/04/2002 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Dayton Power & Light Co. by A. Vinolus.
11/04/2002 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of WPS Energy Services, Inc., Green Mountain Energy Company, MidAmerican Energy Company, and Strategic Energy, LLC by M. Petricoff.
11/04/2002 Memo contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
11/04/2002 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
10/30/2002 The Dayton Power and Light Company's motion to amend its application for rehearing and clarification filed by A. Vinolus.
10/28/2002 Application for rehearing filed by M. Petricoff on behalf of WPS Energy Services, Inc. Green Mountain Energy Company, MidAmerican Energy Company, and Strategic Energy, LLC.
10/25/2002 The Dayton Power and Light Company's application for rehearing and clarification filed by A. Vinolus.
10/25/2002 Application for rehearing, OCC on behalf of the residential electric consumers of the State of Ohio, filed by A. Hotz.
10/25/2002 FirstEnergy Corp.'s application for rehearing filed by J. Burk.
10/25/2002 Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power Company's application for rehearing filed by M. Resnik.
10/25/2002 Motion for leave to file an application for rehearing on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. ("NewEnergy") filed by J. Airey.
10/25/2002 Application for rehearing on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. ("NewEnergy") filed by J. Airey.
10/25/2002 Application for rehearing of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company as to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio's order concerning electric service and safety standards dated September 26, 2002, filed by M. Pahutski.
09/26/2002 Finding and Order adopting the attached amendments to Chapter 4902:1-10; that Chapters 4901:1-22 and 4901:1-23 will continue as currently in effect; that unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for Chapters 4901:1-10; 4901-1-22 and 4901:1-23 O.A.C., shall be September 30, 2007; that each EDU file with the Commission applications to amend their tariff in accordance with these rules by no later than November 1, 2002 and until such filings are approved by the Commission, the rules adopted herein supersede any conflicts or inconsistencies adverse to the customer arising from a company's tariff.
09/26/2002 Finding & Order adopting the attached amendments to Chapter 4901:1-10; that Chapters 4901:1-22 and 4901-1-23 will continue as currently in effect; that unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for Chapters 4901:1-10, 4901:1-22 and 4901:1-23, O.A.C., shall be September 30, 2007; that each EDU file with the Commission applications to amend their tariff in accordance with these rules by no later than November 1, 2002 and until such filings are approved by the Commission, the rules adopted herein supersede any conflicts or inconsistencies adverse to the customer arising from a company's tariff.
09/26/2002 Service Notice.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of DP&L by E. Rizer. (Original copy)
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (Original copy)
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of DP&L by E. Rizer. (Fax copy)
05/13/2002 Joint reply comments filed on behalf of MidAmerican Energy Co. and WPS Energy Services by M. Petricoff.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; and The Ohio Environmental Council by K. Waltzer.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Pahutski.
05/13/2002 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.
04/24/2002 Certificate of service comments of WPS Energy Service, Inc. filed by S. Howard.
04/24/2002 Certificate of service comments of MidAmerican Energy Company filed by S. Howard.
04/23/2002 Notice of service on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by A. Schafer.
04/22/2002 Service notice.
04/19/2002 Entry ordering that AEP's request for an extension of time to file reply comments is granted and accordingly, reply comments are due 5/13/02. (AE)
04/18/2002 Comments of the Monongahela Power Company filed by G. Jack
04/18/2002 Initial comments of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by P. Colbert.
04/18/2002 Initial comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik.
04/18/2002 Initial comments of the Dayton Power and Light Company filed by E. River.
04/18/2002 Initial comments of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz.
04/18/2002 Initial comments of MidAmerican Energy Company filed by M. Petricoff.
04/18/2002 Comments of WPS Energy Services, Inc. filed by I. Henderson.
04/18/2002 Initial comments of FirstEnergy Corp. filed by J. Burke
04/04/2002 Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power company's motion for extension of time to file reply comments, by M. Resnik.
03/22/2002 Service notice
03/21/2002 Entry ordering that all interested stakeholders are invited to file initial and/or reply comments to the staff's proposal revising the ESSS rules by April 18, 2002, and May 2, 2002, respectively.
03/01/2002 In the matter of the Commission's review of the electric service and safety standards at Chapter 4901:1-10, of the Ohio Administrative Code.