DIS - Case Record for 01-2811-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/18/2002 Entry denying the application for rehearing; that this case be closed of record.
06/27/2002 Entry granting GNAPs application for rehearing.
06/27/2002 Entry ordering that the interconnection agreement submitted by the parties in this proceeding is a approved.
06/26/2002 Letter on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint hereby provides the signature page for the interconnection agreement with Global NAP's Inc. filed by B. Donahue.
06/20/2002 Memorandum contra of United Telephone Company of Ohio dab Sprint to application for rehearing of Global NAPS Ohio, Inc. filed by J. Stewart.
06/10/2002 Application for rehearing of the Commission's May 9, 2002 arbitration award and memorandum in support, on behalf of Global NAPS, Inc., by J. Scheltena.
06/07/2002 Interconnection agreement between United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint and Global NAPs Inc. filed by B. Donahue.
05/09/2002 Arbitration Award ordering that the parties incorporate the directives set forth in this arbitration award within their respective interconnection agreements; that, within 14 days of this award, the parties file interconnection agreements for review by the Commission; that, within ten days of the filing of the interconnection agreement, any party or interested persons may file written comments, and that any party or interested persons may file responses to comments within five days thereafter; that this docket shall remain open until further order of the Commission.
05/09/2002 Service notice.
04/11/2002 Reply exceptions of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, filed by J. Stewart.
04/04/2002 Exceptions of petitioner Global NAPS Ohio, Inc. filed by W. Rooney Jr.
04/04/2002 Exception or in the alternative, motion for clarification of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by J. Stewart.
03/29/2002 Service Notice.
03/28/2002 Arbitration Panel Report ordering that the Commission adopt the recommendations of the panel and instruct the parties to incorporate the Panel's recommendations into their interconnection agreements; that any exceptions that the parties may have to this panel report shall be filed with the Commission by April 4, 2002, and that any replies that the parties may have to those exceptions shall be filed by April 11, 2002.
03/14/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by J. Stewart.
03/14/2002 Reply brief filed on behalf of Global NAPs Ohio, Inc. by W. Rooney, Jr.
03/07/2002 Brief filed on behalf of Global NAPSs Ohio by T. O'Brien.
03/07/2002 Initial brief filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by J. Stewart.
03/04/2002 Sprint Exhibit #2, transcript of testimony taken on February 19, 2002, Hearing Room 11C, Commission offices.
02/22/2002 Transcript (FILED UNDER SEAL)
02/22/2002 Continue transcript of testimony and exhibits. (part 5 of 5)
02/22/2002 Continue transcript testimony and exhibits. (part 4 of 5)
02/22/2002 Continue Transcript of testimony and exhibits. (part 3 of 5)
02/22/2002 Continue transcript of testimony and exhibits. (part 2 of 5)
02/22/2002 Transcript of testimony and exhibts of hearing held on 2/19/02. (part 1 of 5)
02/19/2002 Motion for admission pro hac vice of William J. Rooney Jr. and memorandum in support filed by T. O'Brien on behalf of Global NAPS, Inc.
02/13/2002 Arbitration package of Global Naps, Inc. filed by K. Stanley. (RECEIVED AT THE COMMISSION ON 2/12/02)
02/13/2002 Proof of receipt of Arbitration package for Global Naps, Inc. filed on 2/12/02.
02/12/2002 Arbitration package of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, filed by J. Stewart.
01/25/2002 Letter regarding the agreements from 1/15/02, prehearing telephone conference filed by L. Jennings.
01/11/2002 Letter regarding the arbitration panel proceedings and a new schedule shall be decided at a prehearing conference to take place on 1/15/02.
12/21/2001 Entry ordering that James R. J. Scheltema and Karlyn D. Stanley shall be permitted to represent GNAPs in this proceeding. (AE)
12/21/2001 Service notice.
11/30/2001 Letter to Thomas O'Brien and Joseph Stewart regarding the arbitration proceeding schedule, filed by D. Jennings.
11/26/2001 Response of United Telephone Co. of Ohio d.b.a. Sprint to the petition for arbitration of Global NAP's Inc.
11/21/2001 Motion for admission pro hac vice of James R. J. Scheltema and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Global NAPS by S. Bloomfield.
11/21/2001 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Karlyn D. Stanley and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Global NAPS by S. Bloomfield.
11/14/2001 Letter confirming that a prehearing conference, involving Global NAPs, Inc. and United Telephone Co. of Ohio dba Sprint, is scheduled for Tuesday, 11/20/01, at 10:00 a.m.
11/14/2001 Letter confirming prehearing conference date filed by L. D. Jennings on behalf of PUCO.
10/30/2001 In the matter of the petition of Global NAPs, Inc. for arbitration and interconnection rates, terms, and conditions and related arrangements with United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.