DIS - Case Record for 01-2620-GA-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/16/2003 Letter stating that The State of Ohio, Department of Administrative Services, agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in the stipulation and recommendation, and further agrees to the dismissal of the complaint, filed by C. Johnson.
04/04/2003 Revised tariff filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by L. Martin.
04/01/2003 Finding & Order that intervention is granted in accordance with Finding 5; that the motion for leave to amend the complaint in Case No. 02-2607-GA-CSS and the two motions pro hac vice filed on November 26 and December 18, 2001, are granted; that the stipulation filed on February 6, 2003 is approved; that Case No. 01-2607-GA-CSS is dismissed with prejudice and Case No. 01-2620-GA-ATA is granted consistent with the approved stipulation.
02/06/2003 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of respondent, Columbia Gas of Ohio, by S. Seiple; Amerada Hess and the Mid-American Energy Co. by M. Petricoff; the Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by T. O'Brien; Honda of America Mfg., Inc. and the Whirlpool Corp. by W. Airey; Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., FSG Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, Inc. and AMPO, Inc. by J. Bentine; the City of Columbus by J. Klein; OCC by J. Utter Heston; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and SigCorp. Energy Services by G. Hummel; the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein; and Stand Energy Corp. by J. Dosker.
02/06/2003 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of respondent, Columbia Gas of Ohio, by S. Seiple; Amerada Hess and the Mid-American Energy Co. by M. Petricoff; the Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by T. O'Brien; Honda of America Mfg., Inc. and the Whirlpool Corp. by W. Airey; Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., FSG Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, Inc. and AMPO, Inc. by J. Bentine; the City of Columbus by J. Klein; OCC by J. Utter Heston; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and SigCorp. Energy Services by G. Hummel; the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein; and Stand Energy Corp. by J. Dosker.
10/30/2002 Service Notice.
10/30/2002 Entry ordering that the conference on this matter should be scheduled for November 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m in Room 11-D, at the offices of the Commission. (orginally filed on 10/29/02)
08/16/2002 Status report filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by S. Seiple; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and SigCorp Energy Services by G. Hummel; FSG Energy by I. Henderson; OCC by J. Utter Heston; The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by T. O'Brien; Amerada Hess, Mid-American Energy Services and The New Power Co. by M. Petricoff; Interstate Gas Supply, FSG Energy Services, and AMPO by J. Bentine; the Ohio Department of Administrative Services by M. Gleaves; and Honda of America Mfg. and the Whirlpool Corp. by W. Airey.
08/05/2002 Service Notice
08/01/2002 Entry ordering that the parties file status reports no later then August 16, 2002. (AE)
03/14/2002 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Whirlpool Corp. by S. Howard.
03/13/2002 Correction to signature page filed on behalf of members of the Columbia Customer Coalition by M. Petricoff.
03/08/2002 Supplement to complaint filed on behalf of Amerada Hess, Mid American Energy Services, and The New Power Co. by M. Petricoff; FSG Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, by J. Bentine; the City of Columbus by J. Klein; FSC Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, by I. Henderson; and the Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by T. O'Brien.
03/08/2002 Motion for leave to amend the complaint by way of supplement and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Amerada Hess, Mid American Energy and The New Power Co. by M. Petricoff; Interstate Gas Supply and FSG Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, by J. Bentine; The City of Columbus by J. Klein; FSC Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, by I. Henderson; and the Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by T. O'Brien.
02/25/2002 Notice of change in counsel filed by T. Rodgers on behalf of AMPO, Inc. Interstate Gas Supply Inc. and PSG Energy Services.
01/07/2002 Additional information filed by M. Petricoff and J. Bentine.
01/07/2002 Letter regarding the tentative date set for the next pre trial conference for a settlement on the discovery progressed, filed by H. Petricoff.
12/10/2001 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
11/26/2001 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Robert E. Heidorn, filed by G. Hummel.
11/26/2001 Letter regarding a joint motion was filed on 11/21/01. Filed by G. Hummel
11/21/2001 Joint motion regarding procedural matters filed on behalf of The Columbia Customers Coalition and Columbia Gas of Ohio by R. Anderson, for Ohio Consumers Counsel by J. Heston, for Honda of America, Mfg. by J. Airey, for CCC Members, Ameriada Hess, Enron Energy Services, The New Power Co., and MidAmerican Energy Co. by H.Petricoff, for Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., FSG Energy Services, a division of WPS Energy Services, Inc. and AMPO, Inc. by J. Bentine, for The City of Columbus by J. Klein, and Energy Services a dvision of WPS Energy Services, Inc. by I. Henderson.
11/21/2001 Joint motion and memorandum in support regarding procedural matters filed on behalf of Columbia Customers Coalition: Amerada Hess, Enron Energy Services, New Power Co., and MidAmerican Energy Co. by M. Petricoff; and Interstate Gas Supply, FSG Energy Services, and AMPO by J. Small; Columbia Gas of Ohio by R. Anderson; OCC by J. Utter Heston; The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by A. Bartemes; Honda of America by W. Airey; The City of Columbus by J. Klein; FSG Energy Services by I. Henderson.
11/21/2001 Joint motion of the Columbia Customers Coalition and Columbia Gas of Ohio regarding procedural matters filed by M. Petricoff, J. Small, R. Anderson, A. Bartemes, J. Heston, W. Airey, J. Klein, and I. Henderson.
11/19/2001 Entry granting the motion to intervene filed by OCC. (SL)
11/19/2001 Service Notice
11/14/2001 Request for an extension of the 5-day time requirement concerning applications for an interlocutory appeal as stated in O.A.C. 4901-1-15 filed on behalf of CCC by M. Petricoff.
11/13/2001 Comments of Honda of America, MFG., Inc., on tariff amendments proposed by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
11/13/2001 Motion of the Columbia Customers Coalition for intervention, request for hearing and protest. Filed by, J. Bentine.
11/09/2001 Entry ordering that the motion to intervene by OCC is granted.
11/09/2001 Entry ordering that a prehearing be held in case no. (01-2620-GA-ATA) scheduled for 11/19/01, at 10:00 a.m., Room 11-D, at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. (AE)
11/06/2001 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and Sigcorp Energy Services by G. Hummel.
11/02/2001 Notice of Participation by the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/29/2001 Motion to intervene of the Stand Energy Corporation filed by J. Borchert.
10/25/2001 Motion to consolidate and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by S. Seiple.
10/09/2001 In the matter of the application of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to revise its tariffs to clarify the necessity for balancing orders to ensure that sales customers are not adversely impacted by the economic decisions of transportation customers.