DIS - Case Record for 01-0175-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/22/2003 Letter to Commission notifying Ohio Power Siting Board that on July 14, 2003, Power Block 2 of the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was declared ready for commerical operation, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by W. Lindsay.
06/13/2003 Letter to Mr. Winget that Power Block 1 of the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was declared ready for commerical operation, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC by W. Lindsay-Project Director.
03/14/2003 Response to Dr. Winget regarding incident at The Duke Energy Hanging Rock Energy Facility by W. Lindsay.
01/09/2003 Ohio water withdrawal registration, Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC, Hanging Rock Energy Facility, filed by W. Campbell, III.
11/14/2002 Letter confirming that the work has been completed at the Hanging Rock facility, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
11/05/2002 Letter confirming a copy of the Ohio Water Withdraw Registration for the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was provided filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/29/2002 Permit to install filed on behalf of applicant.
08/26/2002 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/05/2002 Letter confirming that a copy of the Final Phase III Archaeological Investigations of the Davisson Farm Site (33Le619) in support of the proposed Hanging Rock Energy Facility (Volumes I and II) was provided on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC filed by S. Bloomfield.
07/16/2002 Letter confirming that a copy of the Ohio EPA permit to install sewage treatment and disposal facilities was provided to Leon Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
07/16/2002 Letter confirming that a copy of the Ohio EPA final permit to install modification was provided this day under separate cover to Leon Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
07/16/2002 Letter confirming that a copy of the Army Corps of Engineers letter dated June 28, 2002 approving the request for improvements of the Ohio River shoreline was provided on this day under separate cover to Leon Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
07/16/2002 Correspondence letter to applicant dated December 31, 2001, filed on behalf of the Ohio EPA by P. Smith.
06/25/2002 Letter regarding the Management Summary of Phase III Archaeological Investigations of the Hanging Rock site filed by S. Bloomfield.
04/23/2002 Letter stating that a copy of the Phase II Cultural Resources Investigations at Site 33Sc421 for the proposed Texas Eastern Hanging Rock Lateral Pipeline Project was provided on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC by S. Bloomfield.
04/12/2002 Letter regarding the Hanging Rock Project site to review the SWPPP control devices.
04/11/2002 Letter regarding the Hanging Rock Energy Facility which is a combined-cycle generating facility, filed by R. Rutherford.
04/10/2002 Letter for the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was provided on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC, by S. Bloomfield.
03/28/2002 Response and attachments to letter filed by S. Bloomfield dated March 18, 2002, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (THE RESPONSE LETTER WAS FILED 3/27/02, BUT THE ACTUAL ATTACHMENTS TO THE RESPONSE LETTER WERE FILED 3/28/02)
03/27/2002 Response to letter filed by S. Bloomfield dated March 18, 2002, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
02/05/2002 Drawings filed. (Oversized documents)
02/05/2002 Revised NPDES permit application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
02/05/2002 Revised NPDES permit application filed. (Part 1 of 2)
01/15/2002 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
01/08/2002 Letter confirming that copies of the final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, Ohio EPA Permit No. 01B00032*AD was provided on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock this day under separate cover to Leon Winget, PUCO staff, filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/08/2002 Letter conforming that copies of the Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Supply & Discharge Water Lines was provided this day under separate cover to Leon Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
12/31/2001 Permit to Install filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency by T. Rigo.
12/27/2001 Letter in compliance with condition no. 20(a) of the opinion order concerning the commencement of construction, file by S. Bloomfield.
12/26/2001 Letter to confirm the combined permit to install from the Ohio EPA was provided on behalf of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC, filed by S. Bloomfield.
12/13/2001 Letter regarding the application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity filed by S. Bloomfield.
11/26/2001 Letter confirming that copies of the drawing showing the agreed upon area of the property in the Northwest corner for additional laydown at the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was provided. Filed by S. Bloomfield
11/13/2001 Letter regarding that copies of the Westland Delineation and Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat assessment report for the construction laydown area at the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was provided. Filed by, S. Bloomfield.
11/05/2001 Response letter concerning Hanging Rock Energy Facility.
10/30/2001 Letter requesting that the Ohio Power Siting Board Staff's concurrence that Duke Energy Hanging Rock may proceed with those pre-construction activities set forth in Mr. Hodanbosi's October 29, 2001 letter, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
10/25/2001 Letter confirming that copies of the Phase I Cultural Resources Investigations of the project was provided this day under separate cover to Leon Winget for the Ohio Power Siting Board and Steve Malone for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
10/10/2001 Statement of clarification filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
10/09/2001 Site maps filed on behalf of applicant.
10/02/2001 Letter confirming that the Storm Water Pollution Prevention plan was submitted to the Staff today at the preconstruction meeting, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
09/28/2001 Eastern Spadefoot Toad Plan filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
09/19/2001 Service Notice.
09/17/2001 Opinion & Order approving the stipulation in its entirety; that a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need is issued to Duke Energy Hanging Rock. (OPSB)
08/31/2001 Letter stating that copies of a group of project drawings by Duke Fluor Daniel and a group of drawings from Duke Engineering & Services were provided to the Commission, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/29/2001 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/24/2001 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/24/2001 Letter confirming that copies of the Management Summary of Phase III Archaeological Investigations of the Hanging Rock site were provided to Mr. Winget on this date, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/15/2001 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/13/2001 Correction to stipulation filed July 18, 2001, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
08/02/2001 Transcript filed for hearing held July 18, 2001, (GS), 9 pgs., Continued. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
08/01/2001 Transcript filed for hearing held July 17, 2001, (GS), 26 pgs. (Hanging Rock, OH)
07/26/2001 Letter to The Honorable Greta See, PUCO staff, listing corrections to the staff report of investigation, filed by M. Satterwhite, PUCO staff.
07/18/2001 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the OPSB staff by M. Satterwhite and P. Simcic, Jr.; and applicant by S. Bloomfield.
07/16/2001 Letter stating a copy of a letter from Jeffrey Chou dated 7/9/01 was provided to Leon Winget, PUCO and to Steve Malone, Ohio EAP filed by S. Bloomfield.
07/09/2001 Revised NPDES permit application filed by S. Bloomfield.
07/05/2001 Proof of publication filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (Lawrence County)
07/05/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover, the Permit Application for Development in a Special Flood Hazard Area was provided to Mr. Winget, PUCO staff, and Steve Malone, Ohio EPA, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
07/03/2001 Service Notice.
07/02/2001 Staff report filed.
07/02/2001 Letter stating that today under separate cover, Mr. Winget for the Ohio Power Siting Board was provided the June 27, 2001 revised NPDES Permit Application, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/28/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover Mr. Winget has been provided three copies of the Mussel Survey, filed on behalf of the applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/25/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover, the Pre-Construction Notification for Nationwide Permits submitted to the United States Army Corps of Engineer, dated June 2001, prepared by ENSR Corporation, and the Final Phase I and Phase II Cultural Resources Investigations prepared by Gary & Page, dated June 1, 2001, were provided to Mr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/25/2001 Response to 2c. of the Staff's third set of data requests, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/22/2001 Letter stating that, under cover of a letter dated today, information was provided to the Staff concerning various aspects of the application relative to the electric interconnection line, the natural gas line located on the project site, the access road and temporary roads to be used during construction, a copy of Final Data Recovery Plan and Memorandum of Agreement which addressed archeological and cultural resources in the areas, as well as a Management Summary of Phase II Cultural Resources Investigation, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/22/2001 Response to Staff's third set of date requests, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
06/13/2001 Proof of letter mailing to area homeowners and submission of homeowner mailing list to the board.
06/11/2001 Response to staff's first set of data requests filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of applicant.
06/08/2001 Response to staff's second set of data requests, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
05/31/2001 Second set of data requests filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Reilly.
05/25/2001 Staff's first set of data requests filed by S. Reilly.
05/24/2001 Proof of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (Lawrence County)
05/22/2001 Letter stating the Air Quality Dispersion Modeling Protocol for the Hanging Rock Energy Facility was submitted to Leon Winget by S. Bloomfield.
05/21/2001 Letter stating the Permit to Install Application was delivered to Leon Winget on 5/16/01.
05/16/2001 Service Notice.
05/15/2001 Entry ordering a local public hearing be held 7/17/01, 7:00 p.m., at Rock Hill Elementary School #4, 300 Main St. , Multipurpose Room, Hanging Rock, OH 45368; the adjudicatory hearing will be held 7/18/01, 10:00 a.m. at the Commission offices; the notices of application and hearings shall be by published by Duke Energy in accordance with Finding 4. (AE)
05/14/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover the Ohio EPA Storm Water General Permit Number OHR110154 have been provided to Mr. Winget, for the Ohio Power Siting Board, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
05/09/2001 Copy of check made out to Ohio State Treasurer, Ohio Power Siting Board Fund 561, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
05/07/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover the following have been provided to L. Winget, PUCO staff, (letter dated March 12, 2001 and incomplete notice for PTI application) filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield
05/07/2001 Proof of service of certified application on appropriate public officials and library filed on behalf of applicant by C. Edwards.
05/03/2001 Letter informing Ms. Sally W. Bloomfield that this application has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq., of the Ohio Administrative Code, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
05/03/2001 Sample letter which was written by Mr. Steven L. Burton, Business Manager for the Tri-State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
05/01/2001 Letter informing the Commission that today under separate cover the FAA Form 7460-1 "Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration" for this project have been provided to L. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
04/27/2001 Copy of letter issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission April 10, 2001 indicating that the interconnection and operation agreement between Ohio Power and Duke Hanging Rock dated February 19, 2001 has been accepted, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
04/16/2001 Letter informing the Commission that the Sound Impact Assessment of March 11, 2001, has been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
04/05/2001 ENSR project report filed by R. Zwier.
04/04/2001 Letter informing the Commission that the NPDES Permit Application of March 2001 has been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
04/03/2001 Letter informing the Commission that under separate cover, the Habitat Assessment prepared for the United States Fish and Wildlife Services has been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
03/23/2001 Response to entry issued on March 15, 2001, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
03/22/2001 Additional information, resolutions in supporting of application, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
03/20/2001 Replacement Figures 06-01(A) through 06-1(D) filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
03/16/2001 Service Notice
03/15/2001 Entry ordering that Duke Energy's request for waivers of certain filing requirements is granted in part and denied in part, as described in this entry. (AE)
03/09/2001 Resolutions of support executed by The Hamilton Township Trustees and The Lawrence County Commissioners, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
03/09/2001 Letter informing the Commission that March 9, 2001, under separate cover the application for the prevention of significant deterioration permit and permit-to-install provided to the Portsmouth Local Air Agency, has been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
02/28/2001 Letter informing the Commission that the Mussel Habitat Survey of February 2001 and the Final Management Summary of Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory dated February 16, 2001, have been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
02/28/2001 Appendix to applicaiton filed on behalf of applicant.
02/28/2001 Application filed on behalf of applicant.
02/27/2001 Letter informing the Commission that the interconnection and operation agreement between Ohio Power and Duke Energy Hanging Rock has been provided to Dr. Winget, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
02/15/2001 Corrected proof of publication filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (Lawrence County)
02/13/2001 Proof of Publication filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/24/2001 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Hanging Rock, LLC for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for a merchant power plant in Lawrence County, Ohio.