DIS - Case Record for 00-1019-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/01/2003 Tariff; this filing reflects the Commission's July 18, 2002 supplemental finding & Order approving the establishment of two-way flat-rated extended area service between the Lancaster exchange of SBC Ohio and the Junction City exchange of Sprint, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by R. Wentz.
03/31/2003 Tariff; this filing reflects the Commission's approval of the establishment of two-way flat-rated Extended Area Service (EAS) from the Junction City exchange to Lancaster, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by D. Terry.
08/27/2002 Letter stating that Sprint and Ameritech will implement two-way flat rate EAS between Junction City and Lancaster on April 2, 2003 at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of Sprint by B. Donahue.
07/18/2002 Supplemental Finding & Order that Sprint and Ameritech institute two-way, non-optional, flat-rate EAS between the Junction City and Lancaster exchanges as soon as practicable, and within 12 months of this order.
07/03/2002 Ballot results filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by J. Stewart.
06/25/2002 Ballots continue part 2 of 3.
06/25/2002 Letter regarding the signed ballots on behalf of Junction City Telephone customers. (part 1 of 3).
06/25/2002 Ballots continue part 3 of 3
05/31/2002 Entry ordering that the request for an extension of time to file the canvas results on or before June 24, 2002, be granted. (AE)
05/20/2002 Letter requesting an extension of the filing date for the ballots to June 24, 2002, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Thompson. (Fax copy)
05/08/2002 Service Notice.
05/07/2002 Entry granting the request for an extension of time to file the canvas results by May 24, 2002. (AE)
04/26/2002 Letter requesting an extension of the filing date for the ballots to 5/24/02, by T. Thompson.
04/24/2002 Letter requesting an extension of the fining date for the ballots to 5/24/02 filed by T. Thompson. (FAX)
03/07/2002 Service Notice.
03/06/2002 Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordering that the ballot is corrected nunc pro tunc as set forth in this entry. (AE) (ISSUED 2/14/2002)
02/07/2002 Service Notice.
02/06/2002 Finding & Order approving the stipulation in its entirety; that the request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Junction City and Lancaster exchanges is granted, contingent upon the completion of a canvass of the Junction City exchange subscribers that demonstrates that a substantial majority is willing to pay the increased monthly service rates associated with the implementation of such service; that the complainants canvass the Junction City exchange subscribers using the sample ballot attached as an appendix to this order, and report the results to the Commission by April 15, 2002; that, after the complainants have submitted the ballots collects, Sprint may review the ballots and report the results of its review to the Commission by no later than 15 days after the ballots are filed.
01/22/2002 Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of complainants by T. Thompson; and respondents, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly; and United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by J. Stewart.
01/14/2002 Revised information response on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, filed by B. Donahue
06/07/2001 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on June 28, 2001, Hearing Room 11-D, Commission offices. (AE)
11/22/2000 Petition of John Barnett and numerous subscribers of the Junction City exchange of United Telephone Company filed by S. Rawlings.
11/16/2000 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by J. Stewart.
11/16/2000 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telehone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by J. Stewart.
10/23/2000 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
10/20/2000 Affidavit of James Abbott filed on behalf of AT&T Communi- cations of Ohio by J. Abbott. (4 pgs.)
10/20/2000 Affidvit of Judith B. Sanders, filed on behalf of MCI World- Com by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
10/20/2000 Letter stating that the calling statistics which have formerly been reported separately by MCI and WorldCom will not be combined into one report, filed by J. San- ders. (1 pg.)
10/19/2000 Affidavit of Kim Wright filed on behalf of Sprint Communi- cations Company L.P. by K. Wright. (2 pgs.)
10/16/2000 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Com- pany of Ohio dba Sprint, by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
10/12/2000 Affidavit of Verizon Select Services Inc. filed by P. de Barros. (3 pgs.)
10/12/2000 Affidavit of Stephanie Vishab filed on behalf of LCI Inter- national Telecom Corp. by S. Vishab. (2 pgs.)
10/12/2000 Affidavit of Verizon Select Services, Inc. filed by P. Heise de Barros
10/12/2000 Affidavit of LCI International Telecom Corp. filed by S. Vishab.
09/22/2000 Entry ordering that Sprint and Ameritech file its answer or other pleading with the Commission and serve a copy upon the spokesperson for the complainants by October 23, 2000; that AT&T, WorldCom, Qwest, GTE Corp., and Sprint Communications provide the information required by Finding 4; that AT&T, WorldCom, Qwest, GTE Corp., and Sprint Com- munications file an affidavit, as required by Finding 5, with the Commission; that Sprint and Ameritech coordinate all calling information in accordance with Finding 6 and ensure that all the IXCs are supplying calling data from the same time frame; that Sprint and Ameritech provide the information required by Finding 7 and Finding 8 to the spokesperson and the Commission. (AE) (8 pgs.)
09/22/2000 Entry ordering Sprint and Ameritech to file their answer as required by Finding (2); that AT&T, WorldCom, Qwest, GTE and Sprint provide the information required by Finding (4); that AT&T, WorldCom, Qwest, GTE and Sprint file an affidavit as required by Finding (5); that Sprint and Ameritech coordinate all calling information in accordance with Finding (6); that Sprint and Ameritech provide the information required by Findings (7) and (8); that the parties comply with Finding (9). (AE)
06/08/2000 In the matter of the petition of John Barnett and sub- scribers of the Junction City, Perry County, Ohio exchange of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint for EAS into the Lancaster, Ohio exchanges of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint. (18 pgs.)
05/22/2000 Information response filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by C. Rawlings.