Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/19/2000 | Memo automatically approving the application with the effective date of 1/19/00. | 1 |
01/14/2000 | Tariff, PUCO No. 3, Section 2, 2nd page 89; Section 7, 8th page 45, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Ritenburg. | 3 |
12/20/1999 | In the matter of the application of LCI International Telecom Corp. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 3, to add Difference #5 to the Difference product and to modify the rates to the Difference options; to modify the rate of LCI HOme 800; to modify the payphone use charge; to introduce the Communications Calling Card; and to modify the rates associated with WorldCard Plus Calling Card. (18 pgs.) | 18 |