Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
02/19/1997 | Letter requesting to withdraw the application, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Kazee. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
08/01/1996 | Tariff, PUCO No. 4, Section Preface, 4th sheet 3; Section 1, original sheet 6; Section 6, 1st sheet 2, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kennedy. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
06/13/1996 | Entry ordering that approval of this application is suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
06/05/1996 | Letter clarifying and confirming that AT&T's failure to intervene in this matter should not be interpreted by the Commission as AT&T's acquiescence to any subsequent position which could be taken by GTE that this wholesale tariff has precedential value for a later interconnection agreement between AT&T and GTE, filed on behalf of AT&T by B. Kahn. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
04/17/1996 | In the matter of the application of GTE North Incorporated for approval to revise its Intrastate Intra Market Area Message Toll Telephone Service Tariff, PUCO No. 4, to establish wholesale rates for its Message Toll Telephone Service and remove resale restrictions on GTE Discount Calling Service. (12 pgs.) | 12 |