DIS - Case Record for 93-0204-EL-FOR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: FOR-Forecasting
Date Opened: 2/3/1993
Date Closed: 12/30/1993
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/29/2009Confidential Release: Exhibits 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 of the testimony of Carl Evans, PUCO Staff filed on 9/24/1993.6
02/24/1994ICN #0055 Entry granting the Residential Energy Conserva- tion Coalition's application for rehearing; that the Dec- ember 16, 1993 letter agreement is approved.0
01/31/1994ICN #0054 Letter requesting clarification of the Com- mission's Opinion & Order, filed on behalf of RECC by M. Grady.0
12/30/1993ICN #0053 Opinion & order approving the stipulation and recommendation.0
12/16/1993ICN #0052 Non-objecting parties filed on behalf of the Residential Energy Conservation Coalition by M. Grady.0
12/16/1993ICN #0051 Letter agreement filed on behalf of applicant by M. Beiting and Residential Energy Conservation Coalition by M. Grady and M. Beiting.0
11/19/1993ICN #0050 Letter providing the Commission with a brief statement of the Company's position with respect to RECC's request, filed on behalf applicant by M. Beiting.0
11/09/1993ICN #0047 Letter stating that the Sierra Club will not be filing a reply brief, filed by J. Migden.0
11/09/1993ICN #0049 Reply brief filed on behalf of the Residential Energy Conservation Coalition by M. Grady.0
11/09/1993ICN #0048 Reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Beiting.0
10/26/1993ICN#0043 Brief of the Ohio Edison Company filed by M. Beiting.0
10/26/1993ICN#0046 Initial brief filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO by P. Colbert.0
10/26/1993ICN#0045 Letter filed on behalf of REC stating that they will not be filing an initial brief filed by M. Grady.0
10/26/1993ICN#0044 Initial brief of the Sierra Club filed by J. Migden.0
10/14/1993ICN #0042 Entry ordering that the briefing schedule be extended to October 26, 1993 for initial briefs and November 9, 1993 for reply briefs. (AE) (VOLUME I)0
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Attorney General:
McNamee, Thomas
Attorney Examiner: