Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
04/14/2008 | Memo archiving case with and effective date of 4/14/08. | 5 |
03/18/1993 | Finding & Order approving the boundary change. | 0 |
12/07/1992 | Supplemental joint agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of CEI by F. Lange and Northwestern Rural Electric by M. Tripak. | 0 |
09/04/1992 | Joint memorandum in support filed on behalf of CEI by C. Smith and Northwestern Rural Electric. | 0 |
09/04/1992 | Joint filing of Exhibit A filed on behalf of applicants. | 0 |
09/04/1992 | In the matter of the joint agreement and recommendation of the boundary map procedures, as defined in Section 4933.81 (A), Ohio Revised Code, between The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Northwestern Rural Electric Co-Operative Association, Inc. | 0 |