Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
11/27/1991 | Amended Permit No. 5057 issued. | 0 |
11/21/1991 | Opinion & Order granting application. | 0 |
11/13/1991 | Shipper's verified statement; Corrugated Chemical/Joanne Jordan, administrative assistant, filed. | 0 |
11/13/1991 | Shipper's verified statement; Loroco Ind./Jim Meyers, materials manager, filed. | 0 |
11/13/1991 | Shipper's verified statement; Sealed Air Corporation/ shipping supervisor, filed. | 0 |
11/08/1991 | Proof of Publication filed | 0 |
10/15/1991 | (PROPOSED SERVICE DESCRIPTION) (Sealed Air Corporation) Transportation of plastic air caps, honey-combed blisters and materials used to manufacture same between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED AGAINST commodities in bulk, trailers requiring refrigeration, household goods, office furniture, low, heavy-duty trailers. (Corrugated Chemical) Transporta- tion of products used in the corrugatin industry including starches, Fungacide and materials used in manufacturing these products between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED AGAINST commodities in bulk, trailers requiring refrigeration, household goods, office furniture, low, heavy-duty trailers. (Loroco Industry) Transportation of paper and paper products, shapes, laminating supplies, and materials used in manufacturing of same. RESTRICTED AGAINST commodities in bulk, trailers requiring refrigeration, household goods, office furniture, lw, heavy-duty trailers. | 0 |
10/15/1991 | Exhibit A. amended authority description, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Merwin. | 0 |
10/07/1991 | Temporary Permit No. 5057 issued. | 0 |
09/16/1991 | Entry granting temporary authority for 180 days. (AE) | 0 |
08/22/1991 | Protest withdrawn on behalf of Royalty Trucking, Inc. by J. Alden. | 0 |
08/22/1991 | Protest withdrawn on behalf of Sidney Truck & Storage, Inc. by J. Alden. | 0 |
08/22/1991 | Application for temporary authority filed on behalf of applicant by E. Merwin. | 0 |
07/19/1991 | HEARING; AUGUST 22, 1991 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE PUCO | 0 |
05/01/1991 | Letter requesting that the hearing scheduled for 5/3/91 be continued to a later date to be set by agreement of the parties, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Merwin. | 0 |