DIS - Case Record for 24-2379-GA-RDR Skip to main content

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Case Title: In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., for Approval to Modify Rider FBS and Rider EFBS
Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: RDR-Application to establish tariff riders that do not have another specific code.
Date Opened: 4/1/2024
Date Closed:
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1 - 5 of 5 documents 1 /  1 
Date FiledSummaryPages
07/11/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 18, Duke Energy Ohio FBS, EFBS and IMBS electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Kern, Jeff and Duke Energy Ohio.12
07/10/2024Service Notice.2
07/10/2024Finding & Order approving the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust the rates of its firm balancing service rider, enhanced firm balancing service rider, and interruptible monthly balancing service tariffs electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.6
06/04/2024Staff Review and Recommendation regarding the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., for Approval to Modify Rider FBS, Rider EFBS and Rate IMBS electronically filed by Zee Molter on behalf of PUCO Staff.3
04/01/2024In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Approval to Modify Rider FBS, Rider EFBS and Rate IMBS electronically filed by Ms. Carmen A. Brown on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D’Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms. and Akhbari, Elyse H. Ms. and Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms.30
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Attorney General:
Attorney Examiner:
Sandor, Matthew
Walstra, Nicholas