Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
08/01/2024 | Joint Motion to Dismiss electronically filed by Mr. Christopher A. Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 3 |
08/23/2023 | Notice of Material Change of Business Address filed by Christopher A. Rogers on behalf of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, LLP. | 2 |
08/21/2023 | Notice of Material Change to Attorney Address filed by Christopher A. Rogers on behalf of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP. | 2 |
02/03/2023 | Service Notice. | 2 |
02/03/2023 | Attorney Examiner Entry that the settlement conference in this case be rescheduled for February 8, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., this rescheduled conference will be held via Teams virtual meeting technology electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
01/27/2023 | Service Notice. | 2 |
01/27/2023 | Attorney Examiner Entry that the February 7, 2023 settlement conference will, therefore, be held via Teams virtual meeting technology. An invitation to participate in the Teams conference will be emailed to each party, with instructions as to how to join the meeting via video conferencing or via phone electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
01/26/2023 | Respondent's Notice of Non-Opposition to Complainant's Motion for a Virtual Settlement Conference electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 3 |
01/24/2023 | Correspondence requesting settlement conference be converted from in-person to Zoom filed by Christen M. Price, Complainant. | 1 |
12/15/2022 | Service Notice. | 2 |
12/15/2022 | Attorney Examiner Entry that a settlement conference shall be scheduled for February 7, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
10/11/2022 | Answer of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. | 8 |
09/21/2022 | Complaint Service Letter and copy of complaint mailed to Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Attn; Brian Knipe, Respondent. | 1 |
09/21/2022 | Complaint Response Letter and copy of brochure mailed to Christen Price, Complainant. | 1 |
09/21/2022 | In the Matter of the Complaint of Christen Price against The Illuminating Company for alleged unfair billing and business practices. | 3 |