Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/12/2024 | Certificate No. 20-001612G issued. | 2 |
08/12/2024 | In the Matter of the Application of Inman Energy Solutions, LLC. | 84 |
10/18/2022 | Certificate No. 20-001612G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff. | 2 |
08/03/2022 | In the Matter of the Application of Inman Energy Solutions, LLC. | 76 |
10/23/2020 | Certificate No. 20-1612G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff. | 2 |
09/16/2020 | Confidential target: Exhibits C-2 & C-3 filed by A. Inman on behalf of Inman Energy Solutions, LLC. (4 pages) | 1 |
09/16/2020 | In the Matter of the Application of Inman Energy Solutions, LLC. | 14 |