Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
02/11/2021 | Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 02/11/21 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 2 |
02/10/2021 | Service Notice | 1 |
02/10/2021 | Entry closing gas cost recovery, uncollectible expense, and percentage of income payment plan cases in which there were no audits in 2020. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 5 |
12/21/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - December 2020 Report electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
11/20/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford Inc. - November 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford Inc. | 12 |
10/22/2020 | Monthly GCR Report of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. for October 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
09/18/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing report of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. -September 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
08/24/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc.-August 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
07/20/2020 | Report: Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - July 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford. | 12 |
06/15/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. June 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
05/19/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - May 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy Of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
04/28/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - April 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
03/19/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - March 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of GLENWOOD ENERGY OF OXFORD, INC. | 12 |
02/24/2020 | Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford Inc. - February 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 12 |
01/21/2020 | In the matter of the Monthly GCR Filing of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. - January 2020 electronically filed by Mr. Richard A. Perkins on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Verona, Inc and GLENWOOD ENERGY OF OXFORD, INC. | 12 |