Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
04/22/2024 | Certificate No. 18-1317E issued. | 2 |
03/21/2024 | In the Matter of the Application of Maverick Sales Solutions, Inc. | 32 |
05/31/2022 | Certificate No. 18-1317E issued. | 2 |
05/06/2022 | Amended Application - Update to Exhibit A-14 for the Application of Maverick Sales Solutions, Inc. | 3 |
04/29/2022 | In the Matter of the Application of Maverick Sales Solutions, Inc. | 34 |
06/22/2020 | Renewal Certificate # 18-1317E(2) issued. | 3 |
06/17/2020 | Service Notice | 1 |
06/17/2020 | Finding & Order approving the applications in the above-captioned proceedings for certification as competitive retail electric service providers. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 6 |
05/11/2020 | Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Nedra Ramsey on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
04/16/2020 | Renewal Application of Maverick Sales Solutions Inc. dba Maverick Energy Consulting, Inc. for continued Certification as an Electric Aggregator and Power Broker filed by R. Paluch. | 20 |
06/04/2018 | Certificate No. 18-1317E (1) issued. | 3 |
05/04/2018 | In the matter of the application of Maverick Sales Solutions, Inc. for certification as an Electric Power Broker/Aggregator. | 29 |