DIS - Case Record for 16-2167-EL-RDR Skip to main content

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Case Title: Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: RDR-Application to establish tariff riders that do not have another specific code.
Date Opened: 12/1/2016
Date Closed:
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1 - 15 of 73 documents 1 /  5 
Date FiledSummaryPages
07/07/2023Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel Wygonski electronically filed by Mrs. Angela Whitfield on behalf of The Kroger Co.3
11/28/2022Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC - Columbus, OH.4
03/25/2022Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly W. Bojko on behalf of OMA Energy Group.3
01/20/2022Substitution of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J. Greene on behalf of Wilson, Ambrosia E.23
01/06/2022Notice of withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Industrial Energy Users.3
12/30/2021Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio3
12/01/2021Service Notice.12
12/01/2021Opinion & Order adopting the global stipulation and recommendation submitted by the parties, which resolves all issues in these proceedings electronically filed by Heather A. Chilcote on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.19
11/30/2021Notice of Withdrawal of Bethany Allen as Counsel and Substitution with Michael Nugent and Evan Betterton for Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Evan F. Betterton on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC.7
11/30/2021Transcript of hearing held November 22, 2021 at 10 a.m., via Webex, before the Honorable Attorney Examiners Ms. Jacky St. John Werman, Mr. Gregory Price and Ms. Megan Addison electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Grubaugh, Valerie.19
11/19/2021Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel for The Kroger Co. electronically filed by Mrs. Angela Whitfield on behalf of The Kroger Co.5
11/16/2021Testimony of Tamara Turkenton electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y. Scott on behalf of PUCO.14
11/15/2021Ohio Energy Group's (OEG) Direct Testimony of Lane Kollen in Support of Stipulation electronically filed by Mr. Michael L. Kurtz on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.11
11/15/2021Testimony of Tamara Turkenton electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y. Scott on behalf of PUCO.14
11/15/2021Direct Testimony of Santino L. Fanelli in Support of the Unanimous Stipulation electronically filed by Mark T. Keaney on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.13
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Attorney General:
Eubanks, Robert
Margard, Werner
Attorney Examiner:
Addison, Megan
Price, Gregory