Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
04/17/2023 | Certificate No. 14-905E issued. | 2 |
04/14/2023 | Amended Application filed by Robert P. Wyman on behalf of Energy Cost Savers, Inc. | 15 |
03/15/2023 | In the Matter of the Application for Completive Retail Electric Service (CRES) filed by Robert P. Wyman, President. | 51 |
04/15/2021 | Certificate No. 14-905E issued and electronically filed by Ms. Melissa M. Scarberry on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
03/02/2021 | In the Matter of the Application for Competitive Retail Electric Service filed by Robert Wyman on behalf of Energy Cost Savers, Inc. | 53 |
06/08/2020 | Additional information in regard to the renewal application filed by B. Wyman on behalf of Energy Cost Savers Inc. | 3 |
02/22/2019 | Renewal Certificate #14-905E(3) issued. | 3 |
02/20/2019 | Service Notice. | 1 |
02/20/2019 | Finding and Order ordering that ECS's renewal application for certification as a CRES power broker be approved. | 3 |
01/16/2019 | Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Ms. Melissa M. Scarberry on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
01/14/2019 | Amended Exhibit C-5 filed by R. Wyman on behalf of Energy Cost Savers Inc. | 2 |
12/13/2018 | Service Notice | 1 |
12/13/2018 | Attorney Examiner Entry suspending the automatic approval process for further review of the filed application electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Anna Sanyal, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission. | 3 |
12/10/2018 | Amended application of Energy Cost Savers, Inc. for certification as an Electric Power Broker filed by R. Wyman. | 10 |
11/13/2018 | Renewal Application for Retail Generation Providers and Power Marketers of Energy Cost Savers Inc. filed by Robert Wyman on behalf of Energy Cost Savers, Inc. | 46 |