Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
07/01/2021 | Notice of Cancellation of Certificate No. 14-860E with an effective date of 09/24/20 issued and electronically filed by Ms. Melissa M. Scarberry on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
09/24/2018 | Renewal Certificate No.14-860E (3) issued. | 3 |
09/06/2018 | Confidential Document Target - Exhibits C-3, C-5 and C-7 filed by G. Parker on behalf of OneSource Energy Solutions, LLC. (11 pages) | 1 |
09/06/2018 | Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-3, C-5 and C-7 filed by G. Parker on behalf of OneSource Energy Solutions, LLC. (57 pages) | 1 |
09/06/2018 | Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support filed by G. Parker on behalf of OneSource Energy Solutions LLC. | 3 |
09/06/2018 | Amended Renewal Application filed by G. Parker on behalf of OneSource Energy Solutions, LLC. | 3 |
08/24/2018 | Renewal application of OneSource Energy Solutions, LLC for certification as an Electric Power Marketer filed by G. Parker. | 17 |
09/30/2016 | Renewal Certificate # 14-860E(2) issued. | 3 |
09/14/2016 | Confidential target: Exhibit C-7 filed by G. Parker on behalf of OneSource Energy Solutions, LLC. | 1 |
08/24/2016 | Renewal Application for Electric Aggregators/Power Brokers of OneSource Energy Soutions, LLC . | 17 |
08/26/2014 | Certificate No. 14-860E (1) issued. | 3 |
08/05/2014 | Exhibit C-5 filed on behalf of OneSource Energy solutions, LLC. (FAX) | 1 |
08/01/2014 | Amended Exhibit C-3 filed on behalf of Ohio Secretary of State. (FAX) | 3 |
07/25/2014 | In the matter of the application for Aggregators/ Power Broker of OneSource Energy Solutions LLC. | 34 |