Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
08/27/2024 | Notice of Appearance of Erica McConnell electronically filed by Erica McConnell on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center. | 2 |
06/14/2022 | Notice of Withdrawal electronically filed by Ms. Valerie A. Cahill on behalf of Whitt-Sturtevant. | 4 |
02/14/2022 | Notice of AES Ohio's Compliance Tariff Sheet D5 electronically filed by Mr. Robert J. Adams on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio. | 22 |
12/15/2021 | Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Change of Affiliation of Christopher C. Hollon electronically filed by Mr. Christopher C. Hollon on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio. | 4 |
12/14/2021 | Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Miranda Leppla electronically filed by Chris Tavenor on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council. | 11 |
12/14/2021 | Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel for Trent Dougherty electronically filed by Chris Tavenor on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council. | 4 |
11/08/2021 | Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Schuler on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio. | 3 |
11/24/2020 | Notice of Change of Firm Affiliation electronically filed by Ms. Kari D Hehmeyer on behalf of Alexander, Trevor Mr. | 3 |
11/16/2020 | Reply Comments of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Mr. Steven T. Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company. | 13 |
10/28/2020 | Comments of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC Regarding the Proposed Tariffs of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Bethany Allen on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC. | 19 |
05/12/2020 | Supreme Court Document - Upon consideration of appellee’s motion to dismiss, it is ordered by the court that the motion is granted. Accordingly, this cause is dismissed. (S.C. #2019-0573) | 1 |
04/22/2020 | P.U.C.O. No. 20 Tariff - Ohio Power Company's Compliance Tariffs in Accordance with the Commission's Seventh Entry on Rehearing electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company. | 11 |
01/13/2020 | Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. | 10 |
01/13/2020 | Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. | 10 |
11/26/2019 | Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Notice of Appearance of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Lucas A. Fykes on behalf of Whitt Sturtevant LLP. | 3 |