Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/09/2014 | Cancelled certificate # 12-587E(1) effective 11/8/14. | 3 |
10/08/2014 | Request to withdrawal certificate of authority in Ohio, Certificate No. 12-587E(1) filed on behalf of Phalanx Energy Services, LLC by F. Wilbourne III. | 1 |
11/08/2012 | Certificate No. 12-587E (1) issued. | 3 |
11/07/2012 | Service Notice | 1 |
11/07/2012 | Entry ordering that the application of Phalanx Energy Services, LLC be approved and a certificate as a CRES provider be issued to Phalanx Energy Services, LLC, to provide competitive retail electric service in Ohio. | 2 |
10/25/2012 | Staff Review and Recommendation filed by C. Stockhausen of the PUCO. | 1 |
10/23/2012 | Amended to the application Exhibit C-4 "financial arrangements" filed on behalf of Phalanx Energy Services LLC | 10 |
08/09/2012 | Attorney Examiner Entry suspending approval of the application by Phalanx Energy Services, LLC for certification as a competitive retail electric service provider in Ohio until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Jonathan Tauber, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio | 2 |
08/07/2012 | Amended to the application Exhibit C-4 "financial arrangements" filed on behalf of Phalanx Energy Services LLC. (ORG) | 5 |
08/06/2012 | Amended to the application Exhibit C-4 "financial arrangements" filed on behalf of Phalanx Energy Services LLC. (FAX) | 6 |
07/10/2012 | Confidential Document Target for Phalanx Energy Services, LLC filings of Exhibit C-3 and C-5, filed by Frank P. Wilbourne III. (14 pgs) | 1 |
07/10/2012 | In the matter of the Application of Phalanx Energy Services, LLC for Retail Generation Providers and Power Marketers filed by Frank P. Wilbourne, III. | 105 |