Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
11/18/2016 | Return mail (certificate) return to sender attempted not known unable to forward. | 1 |
10/27/2016 | Revised Certificate 12-SPV-OH-GATS-0981 issued | 3 |
09/23/2016 | Notification of Change of Ownership for 12-SPV-OH-GATS-0981 electronically filed by Mr. Steven Eisenberg on behalf of Tammy Disque and Joseph Disque. | 4 |
08/07/2012 | Certificate 12-SPV-OH-GATS-0981 issued. | 3 |
07/25/2012 | Certificate No. 12-SPV-OH-GATS-0981 issued. | 3 |
05/15/2012 | In the matter of the application for certification as an Ohio reviewable energy resource generating facility for Mary Rutledge - 1.68 kW system electronically filed by Mr. Brad Bowery on behalf of Ms. Mary Rutledge | 16 |