Case Record For: 09-0494-TP-BLS Case Title: AT&T OHIO Status: CL-CLOSED Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE Purpose Code: BLS-Basic Local Exchange Service Date Opened: 6/12/2009 Date Closed: 9/23/2014 Case Documents Public Comments Parties of Record Related Cases Printable Docket Card Service List View All 1 - 15 of 38 documents 1 / 3 Date FiledSummaryPages 09/23/2014Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 9/23/2014. electronically filed by Mrs. Donielle Genesky on behalf of PUCO2 11/01/2012Attorney Examiner Entry denying the extension for motion of protective order electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio4 11/01/2012Service Notice2 05/22/2012Motion for extension of protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio. 10 07/13/2011Notice of Withdrawal of counsel for David C Bergmann, Sup Ct. # 0009991, in all proceedings identified on the enclosed list.2 05/19/2011Entry ordering that AT&T Ohio's request to dismiss its application be granted.2 05/19/2011Service notice.2 02/28/2011Correspondence requesting that the application be dismissed electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio3 11/12/2010Service Notice2 11/10/2010Entry ordering that the protective order of July 8, 2009, shall be extended in accordance with finding (4). (JSA)2 11/08/2010Correspondence Letter in Support of Motion for Extension of Protective Order sought by AT&T Ohio electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon Wireless2 11/05/2010Motion for extension of protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio10 09/23/2010Correspondence advising the Commission of the filing of a new application in Case No. 10-1412-TP-BLS electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.3 11/18/2009Comments on data supplementing AT&T Ohio's application for basic local service alternative regulation by the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Etter, Terry L. and Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.13 11/12/2009Response providing additional information requested by the Commission Staff electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.5 1 / 3 Attorney General: Attorney Examiner: Agranoff, Jay