DIS - Case Record for 08-0922-EL-UNC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: UNC-Unclassified
Date Opened: 7/31/2008
Date Closed: 5/27/2010
Printable Docket Card Service List
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1 - 15 of 156 documents 1 /  11 
Date FiledSummaryPages
05/27/2010Case Action Form Case Action form closing case electronically filed by Mr. Scott E Farkas on behalf of PUCO2
05/13/2009Transmittal papers for Supreme Court appeal 09-669.22
05/13/2009Transmittal papers for Supreme Court appeal 09-669.22
04/13/2009Notice of appeal of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz. (SC# 09-0669)65
02/11/2009Service Notice10
02/11/2009Entry on rehearing ordered that the applications for rehearing by OEC and by OCC and Sierra be denied. 14
01/26/2009Memorandum in opposition to the application for rehearing of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Sierra Club Ohio Chapter filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by E. Watts. 18
01/26/2009Memorandum Contra applications for rehearing filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.10
01/16/2009Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council by B. Royer. 16
01/16/2009Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of The Sierra Club Ohio Chapter filed by H. Eckhart and OCC filed by A. Hotz.38
12/23/2008Tariff pages for PUCO No. 19 of Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company filed by D. Storck.16
12/22/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 and 20, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc.133
12/17/2008Service Notice10
12/17/2008Entry ordering the incorrect references, on pages 40 and 43, to Case Nos. 08-974-EL-UNC and 08-975-EL-UNC shall be corrected to refer to Case Nos. 07-974-EL-UNC and 07-974-EL-UNC. (JK)2
12/17/2008Opinion and order stating that the stipulation be adopted as modified; application for approval of a standard service offer by Duke Energy be granted, to the extent set forth; Duke shall notify customers of the changes approved by this opinion and order and that the Commission's docketing division file a copy of this order in cases 08-974-EL-UNC and 08-975-EL-UNC.44
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Attorney General:
McNamee, Thomas
Wright, William
Attorney Examiner:
Farkas, Scott
Kingery, Jeanne