Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
05/19/2010 | Memo closing cases with an effective date of 05/19/10 electronically filed by Scott E. Farkas on behalf of the PUCO. | 2 |
07/08/2008 | Returned mail receipt. | 2 |
07/02/2008 | Service Notice. | 1 |
07/02/2008 | Finding and order that the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement entered into between Staff and Stanley Miller Construction be approved and adopted by the Commission by this Finding and Order; that Stanley Miller Construction pay a total civil forfeiture of $3800.00, with such payment due within 30 days after the effective date of this Finding and Order. | 4 |
06/26/2008 | Settlement agreement between the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Stanley Miller Construction. | 2 |
06/20/2008 | In the matter of a settlement agreement between the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Stanley Miller Construction. | 2 |