Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/03/2013 | Case action form closing case effective 10/3/2013. | 1 |
02/08/2013 | PIPP program data analysis report, filed by John Williams. | 14 |
02/03/2012 | Letter stating of a change of address and firm affiliation for Mark A. Whitt, Christopher T. Kennedy and Melissa L. Thompson for each of the above referenced cases filed by M. Whitt. | 2 |
11/16/2010 | Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark and substitution of counsel, Gretchen J. Hummel for Ohio Gas Company. | 2 |
10/06/2010 | Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark. | 5 |
10/05/2010 | Supplement to application for approval of revised bill formats, filed by M. Whitt on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio. | 18 |
09/28/2010 | Notice of withdrawal of motion for waiver and memorandum in support filed by S. Howard on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc. | 1 |
09/27/2010 | Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc filed by S. Howard. | 12 |
09/22/2010 | Service Notice | 18 |
09/22/2010 | Entry ordering that OCC's motion for waiver or suspension of the disconnection rules for minimum payment PIPP customers be denied and this case be closed of record. | 7 |
09/21/2010 | Reply memorandum of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by R. Reese. | 12 |
09/13/2010 | Joint memorandum contra, OCC's motion for waiver or suspension of disconnection rules for PIPP customers of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., Dominion East Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., and Ohio Gas Company filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., J. Clark on behalf of Ohio Gas Company, M. Whitt on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio, E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. | 13 |
09/08/2010 | In the matter of the Application for Approval of a Revised BIll Format electronically filed by Ms. Kathy J Kolich on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company. | 8 |
08/27/2010 | Motion for waiver or suspension of disconnection rules for PIPP customers required to make a minimum payment during winter emergency and Memorandum in Support filed by R. Reese on behalf of OCC. | 19 |
08/26/2010 | In the matter of the application of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio for approval of revised bill formats. | 21 |