DIS - Case Record for 08-0283-TR-CVF Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Case Title: BOBBY YATES (3291004567D)
Purpose Code: CVF-Civil Forfeiture
Date Opened: 3/20/2008
Date Closed: 7/17/2009
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1 - 14 of 14 documents 1 /  1 
Date FiledSummaryPages
07/17/2009Memo closing case effective 7/17/09.1
12/15/2008Return mail receipt.2
11/25/2008Service Notice. 1
11/25/2008Opinion and order ordering that the alleged violation of 49 C.F.R. 395.8(a) be dismissed and removed from the Commission's safety net and respondent's history of violation.5
09/05/2008Post-hearing brief submitted on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. Lindgren. (staff)7
07/14/2008Staff exhibits No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4 submitted in connection with transcript that was filed electronically for hearing held on Wednesday, June 18, 2008, before Kerry Sheets, Attorney Examiner. 34
07/14/2008Transcript Bobby Yates 6-18-08 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.114
06/05/2008Return mail receipt.1
05/29/2008Entry ordered that a hearing be scheduled for June 18, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-F, in the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (KS)1
05/29/2008Service Notice1
04/14/2008Green card return mail. 2
04/04/2008Service Notice1
04/04/2008Entry ordering that a prehearing teleconference be scheduled on May 1, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. At that time, Commission staff will attempt to contact respondent by telephone. (KK)2
03/20/2008In the matter of the request for administrative hearing filed on behalf of Bobby Yates. (OH3291004567D)3
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Attorney General:
Lindgren, Thomas
Parrot, Sarah
Attorney Examiner:
Sheets, Kerry