Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
12/04/2006 | Certificate No. 00-031(3) cancelled. | 1 |
12/03/2006 | Memo cancelling certificate and closing case of record. | 2 |
03/15/2005 | Revised commercial and residential opt-out notices to customers in the City of Cleveland filed by T. Ringenbach on behalf of WPS Energy Services. | 4 |
03/11/2005 | Opt-out notice to customers in the City of Cleveland Electric Aggregation Program filed by T. Ringerbach. | 6 |
12/02/2004 | Certificate 00-031(3) issued. | 3 |
10/25/2004 | Renewal application for governmental aggregators filed by J. Sonenshein on behalf of the City of Cleveland. | 48 |
10/07/2004 | Revised opt-out notice filed by T. Ringenbach on behalf of City of Cleveland. | 5 |
10/07/2004 | Revised opt-out notice filed by T. Ringenbach on behalf of The City Of Cleveland. | 5 |
03/22/2004 | Opt out notice notification sent to consumers filed on behalf of WPS Energy Services by A. Farrell-Novak. | 4 |
02/27/2004 | Opt out Notices to the residential and commercial rate 105 refresh customers in the city of Cleveland Electric Aggregation program filed on behalf of WPS Energy Services by T. Ringenbach. | 7 |
02/06/2004 | Opt out notice to Commercial Rate 125 Customers, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by W. Zigli. | 8 |
03/07/2003 | Letter regarding Opt-Out Notice to Residential Customer, on behalf of the City of Cleveland, filed by F. Lewis. | 5 |
03/07/2003 | Letter regarding Opt-Out Notice to Commercial Customers, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland, by F. Lewis. | 5 |
11/29/2002 | Renewal Certificate Issued 00-031 (2) | 4 |
11/18/2002 | Affidavit of Michael G. Konicek filed on behalf of applicant by F. Lewis. | 3 |