Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
07/24/2000 | Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of July 24, 2000 | 1 |
06/23/2000 | In the matter of the applicaiton of Gabriel Communications of Ohio, Inc. to amend its tariff to add Language in ISDN- PRI section; reduce the minimum for the ISDN-PRI Back Up "D" Channel Feature for Akron, Columbus and Dayton from $50 to $1; eliminate the minimum and maximum for the following ISDN-PRI features in Akron, Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati: Caller ID Name and Delivery, Dynamic Allocation, and Digital DID or DNIS; reduce the price of ISDN-PRI for Akron, Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati to $900.00; and reduce the price of the ISDN-PRI Back-Up "D" channel feature in Akron, Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati to $40. (18 pgs.) | 18 |