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Document Record

Date Filed:  6/29/1988 1:40:12 PM
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
(AMENDED AUTHORITY) Transportation of property from and to Blanchard, Dudley, Hale, Marion and Washington Township, Hardin County. RESTRICTED AGAINST the transportation of household goods, office furniture and fixtures, bulk commodities and property requiring transportation in low, heavy-duty trailers. RESTRICTED AGAINST service from and to Forest, Ohio and any point within five (5) miles of the city limits as established October 31, 1987 (except where otherwise authorized herein). RESTRICTED AGAINST service from or to points (in the named Hardin County townships located on or bordering immediatley upon U.S. Route 68 and State Routes 31, 53, 81, 195, 235, 292, and 309 (except where otherwise authorized).
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