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Document Record

Date Filed:  3/23/2011 2:25:04 PM View Document
Document Type:  OO-Opinion & Order View Document
Link to Document:  View Document
Number of pages:  27
Case Numbers: 
Opinion and order ordering that FirstEnergy's application for approval of its initial benchmark reports be approved; that FirstEnergy's application for approval of its energy efficiency and peak demand reduction program portfolio plans for 2010 through 2012 be approved as modified herein and with the limited exception of the following programs: the street lighting program, the residential energy efficient products program as it relates to water heaters for customers who have access to natural gas, the transmission and distribution programs, and the shared savings mechanism; that the attorney examiner schedule an additional hearing regarding the street light program, the residential energy efficient products program as it relates to water heaters for customers who have access to natural gas, and the shared savings mechanism; that the Companies' request for a waiver of the portfolio plan template in Case No. 09-714-EL-UNC is reasonable and should be approved. Concurring opinion's of Chairman Todd A. Snitchler and Commissioner Cheryl L. Roberto attached.
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