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Document Record

Date Filed:  8/5/1986
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
(AMENDED AUTHORITY) 4(b) applicant proposes to delete the restrictive destination counties listed in the certificate; the restrictions limiting service to wholesale firms to their customers; the equipment restriction limiting the carrier to the use of straight, two-axle trucks with power lift gates; and, the restriction pertaining to shipments not exceeding 5000 pounds from one consignor to one con- signee per day. 4(c) Authority as it will be if amendment is granted: Transportation of janitorial, plumbing, and electrical fixtures and supplies from and to Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Ohio; RESTRICTED AGAINST l. the trans- portaton of commodities in bulk; 2. the transportation of furniture; 3. the transportation of household appliances.
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