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Document Record

Date Filed:  5/2/1989 9:28:46 AM
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
(AMENDED AUTHORITY) Transportation of property between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED: (except where otherwise authorized) against the transportation of: 1. Cement and mortar from and to Toledo, Ohio and Cleveland, Ohio and their respective commercial zones. 2. Petroleum and petroleum products in bulk, in tank vehicles. 3. Liquid chemicals, in bulk, in tank vehicles from and to Ashtabula County. 4. The following commodities, in bulk, in tank vehicles: chlorinated hydrocarbons, caustic soda, bichromate of soda liquor from and to Lake County and Washington County; chlorinated parafin and foundry core compound from and to Lake County; liquid latex fromand to Ashland County; liquid plasticizers, plastics, resins, and latexes from and to Avon Lake, Ohio; and hydrofluosilicic acid from and to Cleveland, Ohio and its commercial zone.
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