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Document Record

Date Filed:  3/13/1998 9:00:06 AM View Document
Document Type:  ENT-Entry View Document
Link to Document:  View Document
Number of pages:  000009
Case Numbers: 
Entry ordering that the portion of the request for EAS involving the Kentucky Metropolitan, Boone, and Alexan- dria, Kentucky exchanges is bifurcated from this case; that respondents shall file their respective answers and any other pleadings by April 13, 1998; that AT&T, WorldCom, LCI, MCI, Sprint, CBLD, Global Interexchange, Excel, and UTELD shall, by April 13, 1998, provide to the respondents the information required by Finding 6 and file with the Commission the affidavit required by Finding 7; that the respondents shall provide the information required by Find- ing 9 by May 13, 1998; that the respondents shall provide the information required by Finding 10 by June 15, 1998; scheduling a telephonic settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on May 18, 1998. (AE) (9 pgs.)
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