DIS - Case Record for 99-1141-EL-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/07/2004 Service Notice
02/20/2003 Service Notice.
02/20/2003 delete Service Notice.
03/22/2002 Service notice
03/21/2002 Entry ordering that Triad Research Group is selected to perform market research activities for the Ohio Electric Choice campaign; that the companies and the consultant shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
03/18/2002 Selection of a market research firm for Ohio Electric Choice, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by L. Ruh; OCC by D. Tarkington-Redmond; and The Ohio Electric Utility Institute by R. Snyder.
02/15/2002 Service Notice
02/14/2002 Entry ordering that the Commission's Staff issue the attached RFP and review all responses received; that the Companies and the consultant shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
10/10/2001 Notice of substitution and withdrawal of counsel filed on behalf of AARP by W. Gruber.
08/30/2001 Service Notice.
07/19/2001 Entry ordering that Pierce Communications is selected to perform public relations activities for the Ohio Electric Choice campaign; that the Companies and the consultant shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
07/19/2001 Service Notice.
07/13/2001 Recommendations for the selection of a PR firm for the Ohio Electric Choice consumer education campaign, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by L Ruh; OCC by M. Miller; and The Ohio Electric Utility Institute by R. Snyder.
05/31/2001 Entry ordering that the Commission's staff issue the attached request for proposal and evaluate all responses received; that a pre-bid conference be held at the Commission on June 13, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., Hearing Room 11A; that the companies and the consultant shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
05/31/2001 Service Notice.
08/31/2000 Service agreement between Ohio Electric Utility Institute and Diversified Data Services Call Centers, Inc. filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by M. Motley. (35 pgs.)
07/28/2000 Letter requesting that Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP be removed as counsel for The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc., filed by S. Taft. (2 pgs.)
07/28/2000 Replacement of counsel filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Bloomfield. (2 pgs.)
07/13/2000 Entry ordered, that Diversified Data Services Call Centers Inc. is hereby selected to serve as the outsourced answer center for the electric restructuring consumer education program.
07/13/2000 Service Notice
07/11/2000 Proposal filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by L. Ruh; and The Ohio Electric Utilities Institute by B. Snyder. (4 pgs.)
07/11/2000 Proposal filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by L. Ruh; and The Ohio Electric Utilities Institute by B. Snyder. (4 pgs.)
06/08/2000 Entry ordering that the Commission's staff issue the request for proposal, and evaluate all responses received; that the companies and the consultants shall observe the requirement set forth in this entry. (29 pgs)
05/19/2000 Service Notice
05/18/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and High Point Communications Group, Inc./Gregory S. Frank- lin and Associates, Inc., filed by L. Ruh, PUCO staff. (29 pgs.)
05/18/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and Fitzgerald & Company, filed by L. Ruh, PUCO staff. (19 pgs.)
05/18/2000 Entry ordering that contracts entered into by Ohio Electric Utility Institute with High Point-Franklin and Fitzgerald+ Co. are approved by the Commission. (3 pgs.)
05/18/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and Fitzgerald & Company for the Commission's consideration in the above-captioned case filed by Lee G Ruh.
05/18/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and High Point Communications Group, Inc.Gregory S. Franklin and Associates, Inc., filed by L. Ruh, PUCO staff.
05/18/2000 Entry ordering that the contracts entered into by the Ohio Electric Utility Institute with High Point-Franklin and Fitzgerald+Co. are approved.
05/12/2000 Letter stating notice of substitution of counsel from Gregory K. Lawrence to Keith R. McCrea. Filed by P. Forshay.
05/12/2000 Substitute of counsel of Shell Energy Services Company,LLC, removing G. Lawrence and adding K. McCrea by P.Forshay.
05/12/2000 Letter stating notice of substitution of counsel from Gregory K. Lawrence to Keith R. McCrea. Filed by P. Forshay (3 pgs)
05/12/2000 Letter notifying Commission of withdrawal of G. Lawrence and adding Keith McCres as representing Shell Energy Services Co., LLC by P. Forshay.
04/07/2000 Service Notice
04/06/2000 Modified proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and the Center for Research & Policy, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Bair. (8 pgs.)
04/06/2000 DELETE Entry ordering that the contract between the Ohio Electric Utility Institute and The Center for Research and Public Policy is approved by the Commission. (3 pgs.)
04/06/2000 Entry ordering that the contract between the Ohio Electric Utility Institute and The Center for Research and Public Policy is approved by the Commission.
04/06/2000 Modified proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and the Center for Research & Policy, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Bair.
04/05/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Institute and the Center for Research & Public Policy for the Commission consideration, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by R. Abrams.
04/05/2000 Proposed contract between the Ohio Electric Energy Insti- tute and the Center for Research & Public Policy for the Commission consideration, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by R. Abrams. (8 pgs.)
03/08/2000 Letter regarding Governmental Electricity Aggregation. Filed by, Mayor B. Rinker (5 ps)
03/07/2000 Letter regarding Governmental Electricity Aggregation. Filed by, Mayor B. Rinker.
03/03/2000 Service Notice
03/02/2000 Correspondence letter stating that as a result of needing to attend a FERC conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on RTO information, he will not be at the meeting today to vote on this case, but he is in full support of the entry, filed by Commissioner Craig A. Glazer, PUCO Staff.
03/02/2000 Entry ordering that The Center for Research and Public Policy, Fitzgerald+Co, and High Point-Franklin are hereby selected to perform their respective components of the General Plan for Consumer Education as set forth in this entry, subject to their contracts being approved by the Commission; that the Companies, Staff, and the consultant firms shall observe all requirements set forth in this entry.
03/02/2000 Correspondence letter stating that as a result of needing to attend a FERC conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on RTO information, he will not be at the meeting today to vote on this case, but he is in full support of the entry, filed by Commissioner Craig A. Glazer, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
03/02/2000 Entry ordering that The Center for Research and Public Policy, Fitzgerald+Co, and High Point-Franklin are hereby selected to perform their respective components of the General Plan for Consumer Education as set forth in this entry, subject to their contracts being approved by the Commission; that the Companies, Staff, and the consultant firms shall observe all requirements set forth in this entry. (4 pgs.)
03/01/2000 Memorandum regarding recommendations for a Customer Call Center to support Electric Restructuring Efforts, filed by L. Veroski, PUCO Staff.
03/01/2000 Request for documents filed by John W. Zeiger, on behalf of Zeiger & Carpenter. (Filed on 2/28/2000)
03/01/2000 Recommendations of the Advisory Group, filed on behalf of t the PUCO staff by L. Veroski. (11 pgs.)
03/01/2000 DELETE Memorandum regarding recommendations for a Customer Call Center to support Electric Restructuring Efforts, filed by L. Veroski, PUCO staff. (3 pgs.)
03/01/2000 Request for documents filed by John W. Zeiger, Zeiger & Carpenter. (2 pgs.) (FILED 2/28/00)
02/29/2000 Supplement to public records request filed by John W. Zeiger. (4 pgs.)
02/29/2000 The advisory group makes the following recommendation to the Commission for adoption as the market research firm for the electric restructuring education campaign filed by Lee Veroski on behalf of PUCO, Kathy Keller on behalf of American Assn, of Retired Persons, Bob Snyder on behalf of Ohio Electric Uitility Institute, Jamne Moon on behalf of Coalition for Choice in Electricity, Maureen Miller on behalf of Ohio Consmers' Counsel, and John Sheehan on behalf of Pactic Gas and Electric.
02/29/2000 Supplement to public records request filed by John W. Zeiger on behalf of Zeiger & Carpenter.
02/29/2000 Supplement to public records request filed by John W. Zeiger on behalf of Zeiger & Carpenter.
02/28/2000 DELETE Notice of compliance with the Commission's entry of January 20, 2000, filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Pahutski. (12 pgs.)
02/28/2000 DELETE Memorandum contra FirstEnergy Corp.'s application for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (8 pgs.)
02/28/2000 Notice of compliance with the Commission's entry of January 20, 2000, filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Pahutski.
02/28/2000 Memorandum contra FirstEnergy Corporation's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
02/18/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corporation by J. Burk.
02/18/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (7 pgs.)
02/17/2000 Entry ordering that AEP's January 21 and 25, 2000 appli- cations for rehearing are denied, except as clarified in Finding 7; that this case be closed of record. (4 pgs.)
02/17/2000 Entry on rehearing ordering that AEP's January 21 and 25, 2000 applications for rehearing are denied, except as clarified in Finding 7, and case is closed of record.
01/31/2000 Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power, filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (9 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments of Monongahela Power Company dba Allegheny Power filed by G. Jack.
01/31/2000 Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power, filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (9 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Company dba Allegheny Power by G. Jack. (4 pgs.)
01/28/2000 Service Notice
01/27/2000 Second entry on rehearing denying the applications for rehearing of Western Alliance, CEA, CCE, Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, Ohio Partners, DP&L, and OCC; that the applications for re- hearing of CG&E, AEP, and FirstEnergy are denied, except to the limited extent explained in Finding 37; that the Finding & Order of November 30, 1999, is clarified to the extent set forth in Findings 8, 13, 22, 27, 37, 46, 50, 54, and 57 of this second entry on rehearing. (34 pgs.)
01/25/2000 Joint application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by D. Conway. (17 pgs.)
01/21/2000 Joint application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. and Columbus Southern Power Co. by M. Resnik. (10 pgs.)
01/20/2000 Entry ordering that Rule 4901:1-20-16, regarding corporate separation, is revised as set forth in this Entry and its attachment, that a copy of the revised rules be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State, that the revised rules be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law. Unless otherwise determined by the Commission, the review date for rule shall be fine years after its effective date, that the amendments to the transition plan applications that are necessitated by revised rule shall be filed in the electric utilities respective transition plan dockets not later than February 28, 2000, that any supplements to the preliminary objects to address transition plan amendments necessitated by our modification shall be filed no later than March 13, 2000.
01/20/2000 Entry Ordering, that any supplements to the preliminary objections to address transition plan amendments necessitated by our modification to rule 4901:1-20-16 shall be filed no lter that 3/13/2000. (8 pgs)
01/19/2000 Letter relative to concerns on deregulation. (1 pg)
01/07/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (18 pgs.)
01/07/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Coalition For Choice In Electricity: Ohio Manufacturers' Association by J. Blasko; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Small; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by K. Wile; Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; Enron Energy Services by J. Migden; Greater Cleveland Growth Assn. by L. Bell; and WPS-Energy Services by J. Misaros. (20 pgs.)
01/07/2000 Memorandum contra the applications for rehearing of First- Energy, DP&L, CG&E, Columbus Southern Power, and Ohio Power filed on behalf of PG&E Corp. by D. Stinson. (12 pgs.)
01/07/2000 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of OCC, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by A. Korkosz. (17 pgs.)
01/07/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Patrick Power. (1 pg.)
01/05/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Carol Griffith. (2 pgs.)
01/04/2000 Entry granting the applications for rehearing for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised in the applications.
01/04/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Michael Boyle. (1 pg.)
01/03/2000 Memorandum contra the applications for rehearing filed by The Coalition For Choice In Electricity, The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (9 pgs.)
12/30/1999 Application for Rehearing of Coalition for Choice in Electricity filed by Arthur E. Korkosz on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.
12/30/1999 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of the consumer education plan order and associated rules on behalf of the Consumer Education Alliance, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by A. Korkosz. .
12/30/1999 Application for rehearing of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by David C. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
12/30/1999 Application for Rehearign of Firstenergy Corp filed by Arthur E. Korkosz on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.
12/30/1999 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
12/30/1999 Application for Rehearing on the finding and order adopting, filing and processing rules for Electric Transition plan applications filed by Paul Horstman on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
12/30/1999 delete Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (15 pgs.)
12/30/1999 DELETE Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of DP&L by P. Horstman. (14 pgs.)
12/30/1999 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
12/30/1999 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co.
12/30/1999 delete Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FristEerngy Corp. by A. Korkosz. (31 pgs.)
12/30/1999 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of Coalition For Choice In Electricity, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by A. Korkosz. (18 pgs.)
12/30/1999 delete Memorandum contra application for rehearing of the consumer education plan order and associated rules on behalf of the Consumer Education Alliance, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by A. Korkosz. (10 pgs.)
12/30/1999 delete Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by D. Rine- bolt. (3 pgs.)
12/29/1999 Joint application for rehearing filed on behalf of American Electric Power Service Corp. by M. Resnik; and Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by D. Conway.
12/27/1999 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by R. Fronek.
12/27/1999 Entry ordering that the Commission's Staff issue the Request for Proposal, and evaluate all responses received.
12/27/1999 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Patrick Power. (1 pg.)
12/23/1999 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Robert J. Chet, Local 270 of the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO.
12/23/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by K. Wile.
12/23/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Small.
12/23/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of The Coalition For Choice In Electricity: Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Taft; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Bentine; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo; Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; Enron Energy Services by M. Petricoff; CNG by B. Jones; and Greater Cleveland Growth Association by L. Bell.
12/22/1999 Service Notice
12/22/1999 Entry ordering that CG&E, DP&L, AEP on behalf of Ohio Power and Columbus Southern Power, Monongahela Power, and FirstEnergy Corp. on behalf of Ohio Edison, Toledo Edison, and CEI will be filing applications for approval of electric transition plans by January 3, 2000; scheduling the conferences at the times in this entry. (AE)
12/22/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Consumer Education Alliance; Appalachian Peoples' Action Coalition by J. Maskovyak and M. Smalz; Citizens Protecting Ohio by H. Wasserman; Earth Day Coalition by C. Trepal; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by K. Wile; Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies by P. Cole; Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Mahaney, Jr.; Ohio Grocers Association by T. Jackson; Ohio Environmental Coun- cil by K. Waltzer; Ohio Meat Industries Association by K. Corsale; Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; Ohio Petroleum Council by T. Fleming; Sierra Club-Ohio Chap- ter by D. Scott; Enron Corp. by J. Migden; Ohio Manufacturers' Association by J. Blasko; Greater Cleveland Growth Association by L. Bell; Citizen Power by D. Hughes; American Association of Retired Persons by R. Bridges; Safe Energy Communications Council by C. Patronik-Holder.
12/22/1999 Entry ordering that applicant file an application for approval of electric transition plan by January 3, 2000; hearing conferences will be scheduled according to this entry. (AE)
12/22/1999 Entry scheduling a conference at 10:00 a.m. (DP&L's at 11:00 a.m.) for the following: (AE) (2 pgs.) 1) FirstEnergy January 4, 2000 2) CG&E January 7, 2000 3) AEP January 10, 2000 4) DP&L January 11, 2000 5) Monongahela January 12, 2000
12/21/1999 Entry ordering that the Commission's staff issue the Request for Proposal, and evaluate all responses received; that the Companies and the consultant shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
12/20/1999 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Donald Wozniak. (1 pg.)
12/16/1999 Entry ordering that above findings be observed.
12/16/1999 Entry ordering that the findings in this entry be observed; that each electric distribution utility under PUCO juris- diction cooperate with the Director of the Ohio Department of Development with regard to the audits described in this entry as though the Commission was, itself, conducting the audits. (3 pgs.)
12/15/1999 Motion for rehearing filed on behalf of The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Western Reserve Alliance, and The Parkview Areawide Seniors by J. Meissner. (6 pgs.)
12/13/1999 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Frank Meznarich Sr. (1 pg.)
12/03/1999 Memorandum of ex parte communication, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (7 pgs.)
12/02/1999 Opinion & Order that OVEC is not required to file a trans- ition plan; that, in accordance with these findings, it is in the public interest to adopt, and as a result the Com- mission hereby adopts, filing and processing rules for the electric transition plan applications, as set forth in Attachment I of this Order; that it is in the public inter- est to adopt, and as a result the Commission adopts, a plan which electric utility companies must educate customers about electric restructuring; that copies of rules 4901:1- 20-01 through 4901:1-20-03, 4901:1-20-06 through 4901:1-20- 10, and 4901:1-20-12 through 4901:10-20-17 be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Ser- vice Commission, and the Secretary of State; that all of the adopted rules be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law; that unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for rules shall be five years after their effec- tive dates. (71 pgs.) (ISSUED 11/30/99)
11/30/1999 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communication reflecting the meeting between Commissioner Glazer and certain power marketers filed on behalf of Strategic Energy by W. Schiller. (17 pgs.)
11/30/1999 Finding & Order that OVEC is not required to file a transition plan; that it is in the public interest to adopt, and as a result the Commission hereby adopts, filing and proceedings rules for the electric transition plans for the electric transaction plan applications, as set forth in Attachment I of this order.
11/24/1999 Topics discussed at the meeting are summarized in the attached material, which was presented at the meeting on November 19, 1999 which Commissioner Glazer attended. Submitted by: G. Lawrence (Shell Energy Services) (20 pgs.)
11/23/1999 Memorandum of ex parte communication filed on behalf of The Ohio Electric Consumers Network by W. Gruber. (8 pgs.)
11/12/1999 Memorandum of ex parte communication, filed on behalf of Coalition for Choice in Electricity by M. Petricoff. (10 pgs.)
11/12/1999 Conference memorandum with Commissioner Glazer, filed on behalf of The Kroger Company by M. Kurtz. (7 pgs.)
11/08/1999 Resolution No. 28-99 filed on behalf of the City of Sylvania by M. Rauch. (3 pgs.)
11/05/1999 Resolution No. 28-99 filed on behalf of the City of Sylvania by M. Rauch. (3 pgs.)
11/01/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Exelon Energy by R. Brown. (THESE COMMENTS WERE RECEIVED AT THE PUCO ON 10/29/99, BUT WERE NOT DOCKETED IN THE DOCKETING DIVI- SION UNTIL 11/1/99)
11/01/1999 Letter stating that The Kroger Company has elected not to file reply comments in this case, filed by M. Kurtz. (4 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments of The Dayton power and Light Company filed by A. Vinolus.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Coalition For Choice In Electricity.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Dortch.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of the Citizen Groups (The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Western Reserve Alliance and The Parkview Areawide Seniors) by J. Meissner. (22 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments to PUCO proposed rules, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by J. Burk.
10/29/1999 Comments reply of Local 175, UWUA, AFL-CIO deregulation committee filed by F. Fortune and G. Whaler.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and The Appalachian Peoples' Action Coalition filed by D. Rinebolt, M. Smalz, and J. Maskovyak.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of PP&L Energyplus Co., LLC filed by E. Watts.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of the unregulated business units of DPL Inc. by M. Christensen.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed by Shell Energy Services Co., LLC regarding the Commission's proposed rules for electric transition plans filed by G. Lawrence.
10/29/1999 PG&E Corporation's reply comments to staff's proposed rules filed by D. Stinson.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of Local 270, UWUA, AFL-CIO filed by B. Fronek.
10/29/1999 Comments reply of Local 175, UWUA, AFL-CIO, deregulation committee filed by G. Whalen.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of Local 270, UWUA, AFL-CIO filed by B. Fronek.
10/29/1999 Reply comments of Ohio Valley Electric Corporation filed by M. Graney.
10/29/1999 Initial comments Certificate of Service filed by M. Christensen.
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (202 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (64 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (47 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Dortch. (44 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of the Citizen Groups (The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Western Reserve Alliance and The Parkview Areawide Seniors) by J. Meissner. (22 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of PG&E Corporation by D. Stinson. (20 pgs.)
10/29/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus. (12 pgs.)
10/25/1999 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action and Safe Energy Communication Council by S. Weir. (2 pgs.)
10/25/1999 Memorandum in support of The Utility Workers Union of America's comments on proposed rules, filed by J. Cline. (1 pg.)
10/22/1999 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communication filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer. (8 pgs.)
10/22/1999 Amended certificate of service filed on behalf of The Kroger Company by M. Kurtz. (4 pgs.)
10/21/1999 Amended certificate of service filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus. (8 pgs.)
10/21/1999 Comments filed by Dennis J. Kucinich and Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Members of Congress of the United States. (2 pgs.)
10/19/1999 Letter of proposed meeting of interested parties to discuss Electric Restructuring Rules, by C. Glazer
10/19/1999 Response comments on proposed rule Sec.(L) for Electric Transition Plans, filed by D. Miller State Representative (2 pgs)
10/19/1999 Comments of OCC Certificate of Service (2 pgs)
10/18/1999 Initial comments to staff's proposed rules and PG&E Corp of Uniform Business rules filed by D. Stinson (5 pgs)
10/18/1999 Amended Certificate of Service filed by M. Dortch (6 pgs)
10/18/1999 Letter regarding the service of comments of CCE. filed by Randazzo (2 pgs)
10/18/1999 Letter regarding comments be served to CCE participants not registered at the comments exchange. Add individuals on service list. filed by S. Randazzo (2 pgs)
10/15/1999 Proposed customer notification filed on behalf of applicant J. Black (1 pg)
10/14/1999 Corrected initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Co., L.L.C. by G. Lawrence. (19 pgs.)
10/14/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of The Kroger Co. by M. Kurtz. (7 pgs.) (THEY WERE HERE FOR THE DOCUMENT EXCHANGE ON OCTOBER 13, 1999, BUT FAILED TO FILE A COPY WITH THE DOCKET- ING DIVISION ON THAT DAY)
10/14/1999 Entry ordering that each entity that filed initial comments in response to the September 30, 1999 entry in this docket shall serve a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding 2. (AE) (8 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Joint comments filed on behalf of Appalachian Peoples' Action Coalition by J. Maskovyak and M. Smalz; Citizens Protecting Ohio by H. Wasserman; Clean Air Conservancy by K. Snape, Ph.D.; Earth Day Coalition by C. Trepal; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo; National Federation of Independent Business-Ohio by R. Geiger; Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies by P. Cole; Ohio Chemical Council by P. Smith; Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Mahaney, Jr.; Ohio Grocers Association by T. Jackson; Ohio Environ- mental Council by K. Tatzer; Ohio Farm Bureau by K. Stimper; Ohio Meat Industries Association by K. Corsale; Ohio Part- ners for affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; Ohio Petroleum Council by T. Fleming; and Sierra Club-Ohio Chapter by M. Conte.
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Unregulated Business Units of DPL Inc. by M. Christensen.
10/13/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy, Co., L.L.C. by G. Lawrence.
10/13/1999 Initial comments to Staff's proposed ruled filed on behalf of PG&E Corporation by W. Adams.
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Grocers Association by T. Jackson, CAE. (20 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments continued. (Part 2 of 2)
10/13/1999 Comments regarding the Commission Staff's proposed transition plan and consumer education plan rules filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by M. Dortch. (Part 1 of 2)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of AARP Ohio State Legislative Board by B. Weston. (14 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Public Interest Group (Ohio PIRG) by A. Simpson. (13 pgs.)
10/13/1999 PG&E Corporation's submission of uniform business rules developed by the coalition for Uniform Business Rules filed by W. Adams. (205 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Coalition for Choice in Electricity. (142 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Dortch. (99 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (95 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of AARP Ohio State Legislative Board by B. Weston. (14 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Public Interest Group (Ohio PIRG) by A. Simpson. (13 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of Exelon Energy by R. Brown. (11 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local 175, UWUA, AFL-CIO by F. Fortune and G. Whalen. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local Union 2359, IBEW, AFL-CIO by G. Sellars. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local Union 1413, IBEW, AFL-CIO by B. Goetz. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local 270, UWUA, AFL-CIO by B. Fronek. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ed Good, Local 350, UWUA, AFL-CIO. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local Union 245, IBEW, AFL-CIO by L. Tscherne. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local Union 1347, IBEW, AFL-CIO by F. Kelly. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Nicholas Greco, IBEW, AFL-CIO. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Donald P. Opatka, UWUA, AFL-CIO. (9 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Local Union 1466, IBEW, AFL-CIO by R. Taylor. ( pgs.)
10/13/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Western Reserve Alliance, and The Parkview Areawide Seniors by J. Meissner. (8 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Joint comments filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C. and GreenMountain.com Company by W. Schiller. (8 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Duke Energy North America, LLC by S. Bloomfield. (7 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Joint comments filed on behalf of DTE Edison America, Inc.; Horizon Energy Company dba Exelon Energy; GreenMountain.com Company; NewEnergy Midwest L.L.C.; and Strategic Energy Limited L.L.C. by J. Gifford. (7 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of PP&L EnergyPlus Co. by D. Gulino. (6 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Electric Consumers Network by W. Gruber. (6 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Initial comments filed on behalf of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. by R. Mone. (6 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of The National Electrical Con- tractors Assn.; Ohio Conference; and The Ohio Mechanical Contracting Industry by T. Pappas. (6 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (5 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Electric Utility Institute by R. Snyder. (4 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Municipal Electric Association by J. Thompson. (4 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir; and Safe Energy Communications Council by C. Patronik- Holder. (4 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Mechanical Contracting Industry by T. Pappas; Specialty Contactors' Coalition by K. Zwissler; Associated Builders & Contractors by D. Jones; and Associated General Contractors of Ohio by D. Ellerbrock. (3 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed on behalf of CNG Retail Services Corp. by G. Jeffries. (3 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Comments filed by Mayor Madeline Cain, City of Lakewood, Ohio. (2 pgs.)
10/13/1999 Initial comments of Automated Power Exchange, Coral Power, LLC and Enron Power Marketing Inc. by J. Migden.
10/13/1999 Comments of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by E. Robinson.
10/13/1999 Comments of The Dayton Power and Light Company by A. Vinolus.
10/13/1999 Comments of Monongahela Power Company on Staff's proposed rules and Commission's questions for electric transition plans filed by G. Jack.
10/13/1999 Initial comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
10/07/1999 Entry ordering that a comment exchange be held, between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m., on October 13, 1999, in Hearing Room 11-B, at the Commission offices in order to allow persons who file initial comments in this docket to receive copies of the other commenter's initial filings more quickly. (AE) (2 pgs.)
09/30/1999 Entry ordering that all interested shareholders are invited to file initial and reply comments to the staff's proposal and the questions set forth by the Commission, which are attached to this entry, by October 13 and October 29, 1999, respectively; that a conference be held starting at 10:00 a.m. on October 5, 1999, at the Commission offices in order to allow interested persons to ask the staff questions to gain a better understanding of the staff's proposal and rationale. (66 pgs.)
09/23/1999 In the matter of the Commission's promulgation of rules for electric transition plans and of a consumer education plan, pursuant to Chapter 4928, Revised Code. (1 pg.)
02/28/1999 Recommendations of the Advisory Group, filed on behalf of t the PUCO staff by L. Veroski. (11 pgs.)