DIS - Case Record for 99-0951-GA-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/06/2000 Entry dismissing this case and closing it of record. (8 pgs.)
01/25/2000 Memorandum contra motion to certify interlocutory appeal and incorporated motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by M. Peters and M. Whitt. (12 pgs.)
01/16/2000 Transcript of hearing held January 12, 2000 at the Commission. (KS)
01/11/2000 Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by D. Williams. (5 pgs.)
01/06/2000 Transcript of hearing held Jan. 12, 2000 at the PUCO. (KS)
12/29/1999 Entry ordering that the complainants motion to compel discovery be denied, that the hearing be scheduled for January 12, 2000. (KS)
12/29/1999 Entry ordering that respondent's motion requesting permis- sion for its attorney to practice before the Commission is granted. (AE) (1 pg.)
12/16/1999 Entry ordering that the hearing be rescheduled to 10:00 a.m. on January 12, 2000, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
11/18/1999 Entry ordering that the hearing be rescheduled to December 9, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the Commission offices; that com- plainant present evidence at the December 9, 1999 hearing under the terms set forth in Findings 5 and 6. (AE) (2 pgs.)
11/03/1999 Entry ordering that the hearing be rescheduled for 10:00 a.m. on November 10, 1999, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/21/1999 Motion for continuance filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by M. Peters. (3 pgs.)
10/20/1999 Testimony of Roxie A. Edwards, Customer Relations Coordinator, The East Ohio Gas Company, submitted by M. Peters (22 pgs)
09/23/1999 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on October 26, 1999, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
09/08/1999 Motion for permission for Margaret H. Peters to practice before the Commission, filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (2 pgs.) (FILED 9/7/99)
09/07/1999 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by M. Peters. (5 pgs.)
08/18/1999 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: T. D. Newland, East Ohio Gas Co. (1 pg.)
08/13/1999 In the matter of the complaint of alleged unjust disconnect- ion of service and violation of minimum standards. (2 pgs)