DIS - Case Record for 98-0955-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/01/2000 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check List, 388th sheet 1; Section 2.3, 11th sheet 8, original sheet 9, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (4 pgs.)
11/08/1999 Correction to letter dated November 2, 1999; correct in- service date for the institution of two-way, measured-rate EAS between GTE's Wilmot and Sugarcreek exchanges is March 2, 2000 at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
11/05/1999 Letter stating that in-service date for the institution of two-way, measured-rate EAS between GTE's Wilmot and Sugar- creek exchanges will be April 2, 2000 at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.) (FILED 11/3/99)
10/07/1999 Order on Rehearing that the complainant's first assignment of error is moot and second assignment of error is granted; that the Commission's February 17, 1999 decision is modified inpart such that the request for two-way, nonoptional, measured-rate EAS between the Wilmot and Sugar Creek ex- changes is granted; that two-way, nonoptional, measured-rate EAS between the Wilmot and Sugar Creek exchanges be insti- tuted within six months of this order and GTE make every effort to provide the service as soon as praticable; that GTE extablishas in-service date within two months of this Order on Rehearing, inform the Commission and the spokes- persons for the complainants of the date, and advise the Commission and the spokespersons no later than 60 days prior to the in-service date in the event that a date cannot be met; that this case be closed of record. (6 pgs.)
09/21/1999 Final tariff, PUCO No. 6, Section C, 18th sheet 16, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by B. Donahue. (3 pgs.)
09/14/1999 Final revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Section C, 18th sheet 16, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by M. Prendergast. (3 pgs.)
08/24/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check List, 384th sheet 1, 83rd sheet 2, 26th sheet 12; Contents, 46th sheet 1; Section 2.1, 8th sheet 10, 4th sheet 33; Section 3 - Berlin, 17th sheet 1; Section 3 - Wilmot, 16th sheet 1, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (9 pgs.)
08/11/1999 Comments on the response of GTE North entry of cost studies/rehearing, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Gertz. (2 pgs.)
08/02/1999 Second supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (2 pgs.)
07/14/1999 Entry ordering that on or before August 2, 1999, GTE either file a cost statement or detailed cost studies associated with the implementation of EAS between the Wilmot and Sugar Creek exchanges, as well as the other items set forth in Finding 7; that on or before August 13, 1999, the complain- ants may file a statement indicating whether they believe that the Commission should, in its evaluation of the pending two assignments of error, conduct a further hearing on the upcoming information to be submitted by GTE. (AE) (4 pgs.)
05/11/1999 Comments on response of GTE North to entry on rehearing, filed on behalf of complainants by J. Gertz. (3 pgs.)
04/30/1999 Response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (2 pgs.)
04/16/1999 Letter stating that United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint and GTE have established September 22, 1999 at 12:01 a.m. as the in-service date for 2-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Millersburg and Wilmot exchange, filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by B. Donahue. (2 pgs.)
04/15/1999 Entry ordering that the complainant's application for re- hearing is granted in part and denied in part; that GTE shall file the information delineated in Finding 8 by April 30, 1999; the complainants may file a response to this infor mation by May 11, 1999; that this case remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (5 pgs.)
04/14/1999 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way flat-rate EAS beteween GTE's Wilmon exchange on the one hand and GTE's Berlin and Sprint's Millersburg ex- changes on the other hand is September 22, 1999 at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Ken- nedy. (1 pg.)
04/01/1999 Memorandum contra to complainants' application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (5 pgs.)
03/19/1999 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainants by J. Gertz. (15 pgs.)
02/17/1999 Order granting the request for two-way optional EAS between the Wilmot, Millersburg, and Berlin exchanges; EAS should be instituted within nine months; in-service date be estab- lished within three month of this order; revised tariffs be filed. (25 pgs)
01/04/1999 Transcript Part 3.
01/04/1999 Transcript Part 2.
01/04/1999 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/18/98, (GP), 445 pgs. (Winesburg, Ohio)
11/25/1998 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Tuscarawas County)
11/16/1998 Proof of Publication filed, Wayne County . (2 pgs)
11/13/1998 Proof of publication filed, Tuscarawas County. (1 pg)
11/10/1998 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Holmes County)
11/09/1998 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pgs.) (Wayne County)
11/06/1998 Testimony and attachments of Patricia J. Cook, filed by W. Keating. (21 pgs)
11/05/1998 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Stark County)
10/09/1998 Testimony of Rebecca J. Donahue filed on behalf of respon- dent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by B. Donahue. (17 pgs.)
10/09/1998 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (9 pgs.)
10/05/1998 Mailed Legal Notices to: Holmes County Farmer (Holmes Co.), Canton Repository (Stark Co.), Time Reporter ( Tuscarawas), and Daily Record ( Wayne Co.)
10/05/1998 Legal Notices sent to the following: Daily Record, Time Reporter, Canton Repository, Holmes County Farmer.
09/28/1998 Entry scheduling a public hearing for November 18, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. at the Winesburg Fine Station 2089 U.S. 62, Winesburg, Ohio (GP)
09/28/1998 Entry ordering public hearing be held 11/18/98, 10:00 a.m. at the Winesburg Fire Station, 2089 U.S. Rte 62, Winesburg, Ohio 44690; legal notice be published by the Commission; intervention requests be in on or before 11/2/98; direct, expert testimony be filed on or before 11/6/98. (GP)(4 pgs)
09/09/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (41 pgs.)
09/02/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by B. Donahue. (47 pgs.)
09/02/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Com- pany of Ohio dba Sprint, by B. Dohanue. (4 pgs.)
09/01/1998 Affidavit of Elizabeth Finnerty filed on behalf of respon- dent, AT&T Communications of Ohio, by E. Finnerty. (11 pgs.)
08/24/1998 Affidavit of counsel for MCI Telecommunication filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg)
08/13/1998 Affidavit of Kim Logue informing the Commission that, in regard to this case, LCI has submitted the required calling information to the designated local exchange companies, filed by K. Logue. (2 pgs.)
08/04/1998 Affidavit of LaTrishca C. Miles filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by L. Miles. (2 pgs.)
07/30/1998 Request that it not be required to provide the distribution of calling statistics for its customers in the instant pro- ceedings, filed on behalf of WorldCom Technologies by B. Ferris. (2 pgs.)
07/17/1998 Letter requesting that UTLD (United Telephone Long Distance) be removed from the list of public utilities subject to the Commission's jurisidiction, filed by B. Donahue. (5 pgs.)
07/09/1998 Entry ordering that AT&T, MCI, LCI, Qwest, U.S. Sprint, Worldcom, and UTLD shall provide information required by Finding 3 to Sprint and GTE and file an affidavit with the Commission by August 10, 1998; that Sprint and GTE should coordinate all the calling information to insure that all the IXCs are supplying calling data from the same time frame; that Sprint and GTE shall file their written answers and the information requested in Finding 6 by September 9, 1998; that Sprint and GTE shall provide the information required by Finding 7 by October 9, 1998; scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on Septem- ber 15, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (7 pgs.)
06/18/1998 In the matter of the petition of James W. Gertz and sub- scribers of the 359 exchange of GTE North Incorporated for two-way, non-optional EAS to the 893, 674, and 852 ex- changes of GTE North Incorporated and Ameritech Ohio. (14 pgs.)