DIS - Case Record for 98-0842-TP-COI Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/17/2001 Entry ordering that the motions for renewal of the protective orders filed by AT&T, Sprint, and WorldCom on August 7 and August 8, 2001, are denied and that the Commission's Docketing Department should place the involved information in the public file one week after issuance of this entry in accordance with Finding 3. (AE)
08/17/2001 Service Notice.
08/08/2001 Motion to renew protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of WorldCom, Inc. by J. Sanders and E. Siegel.
08/07/2001 Motion to renew protective order and request for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by J. Stewart.
08/07/2001 Motion to renew protective order and request for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by J. Kelroy.
07/17/2000 Entry ordering that the January 14, 18, and 25, 2000 motions to renew the protective orders are granted; that, for 18 months from the date of this entry, the Docketing Division should continue to maintain under seal all of the information that is currently under seal in this docket. (AE)
02/17/2000 Entry ordering that the January 14, 18, and 25, 2000 motions to renew the protective orders are granted; that, for 18 months from the date of this entry, the Docketing Division of the Commission should continue to maintain under seal all of the information that is currently under seal in this docket. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/25/2000 Motion to renew protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by L. Lauridsen. (7 pgs.)
01/18/2000 Motion of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to Renew Protective Order. Respectfully submitted by, D. Chorzempa (8 pgs)
01/14/2000 Motion to renew protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI WorldCom Communications by J. Sanders and D. McGann. (7 pgs.)
09/30/1999 Finding & Order denying the motions to intervene by Ameri- tech, the Payphone Association, and the OTIA for the reasons set forth in this order; that AT&T, MCI, and Sprint have demonstrated their compliance with their pass through com- mitments; that this case be closed of record. (14 pgs.)
12/02/1998 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by AT&T is granted; that the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain the unredacted copies of the supplemental responses of AT&T, which were filed on November 2, 1998, under seal for 18 months from the date of this entry; that any party wishing to extend this confidential treatment should file an appropriate motion at least 45 days in advance of the expiration date of this protective order; that any current or intervening party (except OCC, if its executes an appropriate confidentially agreement) is prohibited from reviewing the sensitive information in the supplemental responses of AT&T to questions one, two, three, and four, un- til otherwise ordered. (AE) (3 pgs.)
11/02/1998 Unredacted Supplemental Data Reponses filed by B. Kahn (5 pgs) (FILED UNDER SEAL).
11/02/1998 Motion for a protective order and readacted version of the Supplemental Data Response filed by B. Kahn (18 pgs)
09/23/1998 Supplemental information to the responses filed 9/18/98, filed by B. Kahn. (3 pgs) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
09/18/1998 Confidential responses to questions six and eight of the Commission's requests in its June 10, 1998 entry, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (25 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
09/18/1998 Letter regarding the confidential material, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (3 pgs.)
09/17/1998 Entry ordering that the motions for protective order filed by AT&T, MCI, and Sprint are granted as set forth in this entry; that the Docketing Division of the Commission main- tain, under seal, the unredacted copies of the responses of AT&T, MCI, and Sprint to the Commission's June 10, 1998 questions one, two, three, and four, as well as AT&T's re- sponses to questions six and eight, for 18 months from the date of this entry; that AT&T immediately file, under seal, its responses to questions six and eight with the Commis- sion; that any party wishing to extend this confidential treatment should file an appropriate motion at least 45 days in advance of the expiration of this protective order; that any current or intervening party (except OCC, if it exec- utes an appropriate confidentiality agreement) is prohibited from reviewing the sensitive information in the responses by AT&T, MCI, and Sprint to questions one, two, 3, and four, as well as AT&T's responses to questions six and eight, until otherwise ordered. (AE) (3 pgs.)
09/17/1998 Correspondence letter to Ms. Benita Kahn filed by G. Pet- rucci, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
08/28/1998 Supplemental answers to the Commission's questions con- tained in its June 10, 1998 entry, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa. (21 pgs.)
08/25/1998 Confidential supplemental information response filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (10 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/25/1998 Redacted version of its responses to the date requests which contain proprietary information for which protective treat- ment has been requested, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommuni- cations Corp. by J. Sanders. (12 pgs.)
08/10/1998 Reply filed by J. Kelly on behalf of Ameritech. (5 pgs)
08/06/1998 Joint memorandum in response to the petition to intervene of The Payphone Association of Ohio, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa and B. Kahn; and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (3 pgs.)
07/31/1998 Additional responses filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunica- tions Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (43 pgs.)
07/31/1998 Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Payphone Association of Ohio by H. Kelly. (7 pgs.)
07/30/1998 Memorandum in response to Ameritech's motion for interven- tion, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa and B. Kahn; and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (5 pgs.)
07/24/1998 Unredacted verson of its data response to Appendix A of the Commission's entry dated June 10, 1998, filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by B. Donahue. (5 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/24/1998 Redacted version of its data response to Appendix A of the Commission's entry dated June 10, 1998, filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by B. Dohanue. (50 pgs.)
07/16/1998 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)
07/13/1998 The Ohio Telecommunications Industry Association's reply to AT&T Communications of Ohio's and MCI Telecommunications Corp.'s joint memorandum contra to OTIA's motion to inter- vene, filed by J. Prohaska. (4 pgs.)
07/10/1998 Unredacted confidential information filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa. (20 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/10/1998 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (14 pgs.)
07/10/1998 Redacted version of data response to Appendix A of the Commission's entry dated June 10, 1998, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa. (21 pgs.)
07/10/1998 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (8 pgs.)
07/10/1998 Responses filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (327 pgs.)
07/10/1998 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by L. Lauridsen. (5 pgs.)
07/08/1998 Joint memorandum contra to OTIA's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn; and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (6 pgs.)
06/23/1998 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Telecommunication Industry Association by J. Prohaska. (4 pgs.)
06/10/1998 Entry ordering that AT&T, MCI, and sprint develop responses and documentation demonstrating compliance with their re- spective agreed upon commitments and file such responses with the Commission by no later than July 10, 1998. (4 pgs.)
05/27/1998 In the matter of the Commission ordered investigation into the pass through of access charge reductions by certain regulated entities. (1 pg)