DIS - Case Record for 97-1545-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/16/2000 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 4, Section 1, 5th sheet 30, filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by M. Schaedler. (2 pgs.)
04/21/2000 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 3, Section 3, 6th page 7 (Cin- cinnati), 2nd page 13 (Hamilton), filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by E. King. (3 pgs.)
11/05/1999 Letter stating that Cincinnati Bell and Ameritech Ohio have established May 23, 2000 as the implementation date for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate exchanged area service between CBT's Cincinnati and Hamilton exchanges and the Trenton exchange served by Ameritech Ohio, filed by E. King. (2 pgs.)
09/13/1999 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
08/26/1999 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of Sprint by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
07/12/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 4, Section 1, 2nd sheet 8.1, 3rd sheet 30; Section 2, 6th sheet 15.3, filed on be- half of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Matz. (4 pgs.)
07/06/1999 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
06/08/1999 Supplemental information response of Ameritech Ohio filed by C. Rawlings. (7 pgs.)
04/28/1999 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Butler County)
04/26/1999 Proof of Publication filed. (Butler County)
03/25/1999 Order, granted the complainants' request for two-way, non- optional, flat-rate EAS between the Trenton Exchange and the Cincinnati Exchange is granted. (15 pgs.)
02/19/1999 Exhibits to transcript. (Part 4)
02/19/1999 Exhibits to transcript. (Part 3)
02/19/1999 Exhibits to transcript. (Part 2)
02/19/1999 Exhibits to transcript. (Part 1)
02/19/1999 Transcript for hearing held 1/27/99 in Trenton, Ohio, 308 pages. (SF)
01/19/1999 Letter stating that the spokesperson for this case be changed from Jack Wolf to Ken Reed, filed on behalf of complainant by K. Shaw. (1 pg.)
01/15/1999 Testimony of Evelyn W. King filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by R. Shank. (12 pgs.)
01/15/1999 Testimony of Jacqueline M. Young filed on behalf of respon- dent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (44 pgs.)
01/15/1999 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
01/12/1999 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Hamilton County)
12/16/1998 Legal Notices sent to: Journal News (Butler Co.), Cincinnati Enquirer (Hamilton Co.).
12/09/1998 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on January 27, 1999, at the Trenton City Hall, Trenton, Ohio; that any party intending to present direct expert testimony file such testimony and serve a copy upon all parties no later than January 15, 1999. (AE) (3 pgs.)
11/19/1998 Finding & Order that the stipulation is approved in its entirety; that Ameritech is authorized to provide two-way, measured-rate EAS between the Trenton Exchange and the Dayton Exchange, to be implemented no later than 12 months after the date of this order; that, upon condition of secur- ing an FCC waiver, Ameritech and CBT are authorized to pro- vide two-way, flat-rate EAS between the Trenton Exchange and the Hamilton Exchange; that the attorney examiner schedule a public hearing for the portion of the request for EAS involving the Trenton and Cincinnati exchanges. (10 pgs.)
10/13/1998 Supplement to the stipulation filed on behalf of respon- dent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
09/18/1998 Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of complainants by J. Wolf; respondents, Ameritech Ohio by C. Rawlings; GTE North by W. Keating; Sprint by J. Stewart; Cincinnati Bell by J. Harrison; and Germantown Independent Telephone by T. Lodge. (10 pgs.)
09/02/1998 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of respon- dent, Cincinnati Bell, by J. Harrison. (4 pgs.)
08/26/1998 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
08/19/1998 Confidential summary of EAS for Cincinnati to Trenton, filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (6 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/19/1998 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (5 pgs.)
08/19/1998 Testimony of Evelyn W. King filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (6 pgs.)
08/19/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Cin- cinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (13 pgs.)
08/19/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (12 pgs.)
07/08/1998 Entry ordering that the requests to extend and defer the deadlines for submitting revenue/cost information in this case are granted as set forth in Finding 4. (AE) (7 pgs.)
07/06/1998 Request of respondents for extension of time to submit the revenue/cost data required by entry of March 13, 1998, filed by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
06/16/1998 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of The Germantown Independent Telephone Co. by G. Cooper. (9 pgs.)
06/15/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (97 pgs.)
06/15/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Cin- cinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (53 pgs.)
06/15/1998 Calling data information response filed on behalf of respondent, Germantown Independent Telephone Co., by G. Cooper. (44 pgs.)
06/15/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (9 pgs.)
06/10/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by B. Donahue. (50 pgs.)
06/02/1998 Memorandum of Ameritech Ohio in response to motion by Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to dismiss certain exchanges, filed by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
06/02/1998 Entry ordering that the telephonic settlement conference should be rescheduled to 1:00 p.m. on June 18, 1998; that CBT and Ameritech are relieved of the requirement for submitting calling information and cost information related to the Seven Mile and Trenton exchanges. (AE) (3 pgs.)
05/27/1998 Motion to dismiss certain exchanges and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co., by N. Rue. (18 pgs.)
05/22/1998 Affidavit of Kenton J. Pfister filed on behalf of AT&T Com- munications of Ohio by K. Pfister. (11 pgs.)
05/22/1998 Supplemental affidavit of GTE Communications Corp. filed by T. Lodge. (2 pgs.)
05/13/1998 Affidavit of GTE Communications Corp. filed by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)
05/12/1998 Additional information filed on behalf of respondent, WorldCom Technologies, by B. Ferris. (1 pg.)
05/08/1998 Affidavit of LaTrischa Miles on behalf of Sprint Communica- tions Company L.P. (2 pgs)
04/24/1998 Letter stating the request of Ameritech Ohio for two minor modifications of the time frames contained in the Entries issued March 13, 1998 & April 15, 1998 in the above styled case.Filed by: C, Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
04/15/1998 Entry ordering that AT&T, WorldCom, LCI, MCI, Sprint, CBLD, Global Interexchange, Excel, GTELD, and the respondents are granted extensions of time to supply calling information as set forth in Finding 4; scheduling a telephonic settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on June 18, 1998. (AE) (3 pgs.)
04/13/1998 Motion and memorandum for extension of time and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint Communications Company L.P., by L. Lauridsen. (6 pgs.)
04/13/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint, by W. Walston. (4 pgs.)
04/13/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (3 pgs.)
04/13/1998 Affidavit of Judith B. Sanders filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
04/10/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by N. Rue. (5 pgs.)
03/23/1998 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
03/20/1998 Motion and memorandum in support for extension of time and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T Communications of Ohio, by D. Chrozempa. (6 pgs.)
03/13/1998 Entry ordering that the portion of the request for EAS involving the Kentucky Metropolitan, Boone, and Alexan- dria, Kentucky exchanges is bifurcated from this case; that respondents shall file their respective answers and any other pleadings by April 13, 1998; that AT&T, WorldCom, LCI, MCI, Sprint, CBLD, Global Interexchange, Excel, and UTELD shall, by April 13, 1998, provide to the respondents the information required by Finding 6 and file with the Commission the affidavit required by Finding 7; that the respondents shall provide the information required by Find- ing 9 by May 13, 1998; that the respondents shall provide the information required by Finding 10 by June 15, 1998; scheduling a telephonic settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on May 18, 1998. (AE) (9 pgs.)
03/09/1998 Answer of the Germantown Independent Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge. (4 pgs)
03/03/1998 Additional signatures and correspondence letters supporting the petition, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Warlick. (74 pgs.)
02/17/1998 Entry ordering that respondents shall file their respective answers and any other pleadings by March 23, 1998; schedul- ing a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on March 3, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (3 pgs.)
11/24/1997 In the matter of the petition of Jack Wolf and subscribers of the Trenton Exchange of Ameritech Ohio for extended area service into the following exchanges of Ameritech Ohio, Sprint (United), Independent, and GTE North: Seven Mile, Hamilton, Reily, Shandon, Bethany, Cincinnati, Kentucky Metropolitan, Boone, Alexandria, Franklin, Miamisburg/West Carrollton, Centerville, Dayton, Mason, Lebanon, S. Lebanon, Germantown, and Oxford. (45 pgs.)