DIS - Case Record for 97-0843-GE-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/27/1999 Memorandum in opposition to motions to dismiss submitted on behalf of the PUCO, filed on behalf of complainant by S. Caras.
12/27/1999 Memorandum in opposition to motions to dismiss submitted on behalf of the PUCO, filed on behalf of complainant by S. Caras.
12/27/1999 Memorandum in opposition to motions to dismiss submitted on behalf of the PUCO, filed on behalf of complainant by S. Caras. (31 pgs.)
11/22/1999 Complaint for writ of mandamus filed on behalf of complain- ant by S. Caras. (6 pgs.)
11/19/1999 Complaint for writ of mandamus filed by S. Caras (5 pgs)
11/10/1999 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of Patricia A. Sanders by S. Caras. (17 pgs.) (S.C. No. 99-1861)
08/26/1999 Entry denying complainant's application for rehearing. (3 pgs.)
08/11/1999 Memorandum contra to complainant's application for rehear- ing, filed on behalf of respondent, DP&L, by T. Rice. (6 pgs.)
08/02/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainants by S. Caras.
08/02/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainants by S. Caras. (7 pgs.)
08/02/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainants by S. Caras.
07/15/1999 Opinion & Order that the complainant has not met her burden of proof that DP&L's actions amounted to unreasonable ser- vice and dismissing this case of record. (8 pgs.)
06/04/1999 Stipulation substituting parties filed on behalf of com- plainant by S. Caras; and respondent, DP&L, by T. Rice. (3 pgs.)
04/06/1999 Exhibits filed. (133 pgs)
03/24/1999 Deposition continued. (PART 2 of 2)
03/24/1999 Deposition and exhibits of Evelyn Pauline Siler, Shirley Jean Richardson, Patricia Ann Sanders and handbook excerpts filed by J. Wallace. (PART 1 of 2)
03/24/1999 Depositions and exhibits of E. Siler, S. Richardson, P. Sanders and handbook excerpts filed by J. Wallace (292 pgs)
02/26/1999 Entry ordering that all copies of depositions and exhibits utilized in this proceeding be forwarded to the Commission within 14 days of this entry. (AE) (2 pgs.)
07/13/1998 Response of Plaintiff/Claimant Patricia A. Sanders to Defendant/Respondent's brief, filed by C. Bradstreet. (8 pgs.)
07/09/1998 Reply to complainants' post-hearing breif, filed on behalf of respondent, DP&L, by J. Wallace. (11 pgs.)
07/02/1998 Appendix which should be attached to the brief of plain- tiff/claimant Patricia A. Sanders with Exhibit Booklet, filed by C. Bradstreet. (5 pgs.)
06/29/1998 Respondent's, DP&L, Exhibit D filed. (cassette tape)
06/29/1998 Brief of respondent, DP&L, filed by J. Wallace. (28 pgs.)
06/29/1998 Brief of plaintiff/claimant Patricia A. Sanders and Exhibit Booklet filed by C. Bradstreet. (143 pgs.)
06/29/1998 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/15/98, (WB), 7 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
06/04/1998 Entry granting the parties request to continue the hearing; that the hearing be continued to 10:00 a.m., June 15, 1998. (AE) (1 pg.)
01/08/1998 Entry granting reguest of parties to continue this matter. Hearing is continued to May 4, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
12/31/1997 Motion for continuance filed on behalf of complainant by S. Caras; and repsondent, DP&L, by J. Wallace. (3 pgs.)
11/03/1997 Entry ordering that the hearing in this matter be reschedul- ed to February 4, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/08/1997 Service Notice
10/08/1997 Service Notice
10/07/1997 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on February 8, 1998 at the Commission offices, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (WB)
10/07/1997 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on February 8, 1998 at the Commission offices. (AE)
10/07/1997 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on February 8, 1998 at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
08/21/1997 Answer with motion to dismiss and motion requesting media- tion filed on behalf of respondent, DP&L, by J. Wallace. (4 pgs.)
08/21/1997 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on September 9, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
08/01/1997 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Timothy Rice, DP&L. (1 pg.)
07/31/1997 In the matter of the complaint of Patricia A. Sanders (vs) The Dayton Power & Light Company relative to the alleged unjust and unlawful disconnection of gas and electric ser- vice. (5 pgs.)