DIS - Case Record for 97-0152-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/12/1998 Entry stating that proposed and modified contract provisons are approved and case is closed. (2 pgs)
02/27/1998 Revised version of page 5 of the Pricing Schedule which corrects the typographical error contained on the same page filed on February 20, 1998, of Cincinnati Bell filed by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
02/20/1998 Modifications to certain sections of the interconnection agreement, filed on behalf of of applicants by J. Sanders. (12 pgs.)
01/28/1998 Order that the August 14, 1997 arbitration award is hereby modified to reflect that, when CBT provides operator ser- vices and DA with resold services, the resale discount shall be 11.92 percent and, when CBT does not provide operator services and DA with resold services, the resale discount shall be 12.62 percent; that the parties shouls modify their interconnection agreement to correspond with the determination herein; that the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain, under seal, the unredacted pages of CBT's prefiled testimony for 18 months from the date of this Order on Rehearing; that any party wishing to extend this confidential treatment should file an appropriate motion at least 45 days in advance of the expiration date of the protective order; that this case shall remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (8 pgs.)
01/13/1998 Letter requesting a further extension of time within which to continue negotiations with respect to an amendment to the interconnection agreement filed by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
12/31/1997 Letter requesting another 15 days to continue negotiations filed on behalf of MCI and CBT by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
12/23/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/9/97, (GP), 7 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
12/03/1997 Motion to strike testimony of Dennis L. Ricca and dismiss rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.)
12/03/1997 Unredacted copies of the exhibits to Mr. Mette's testimony filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (14 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/03/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.)
12/03/1997 Testimony on rehearing of Norbert Mette filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (27 pgs.)
11/24/1997 Testimony on rehearing of Dennis L. Ricca filed on behalf of MCImetro and MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (13 pgs.)
11/14/1997 Revised Pricing Schedule and DA language, and request that the Commission schedule further hearings on the disputed contract language, filed by on behalf of MCI and Cincinnati Bell by J. Sanders. (6 pgs.)
11/12/1997 Entry ordering that MCI should now file, and serve upon CBT on the same day testimony and any additional evidence in support of its rehearing request on or before November 24, 1997. CBT should now file and serve upon MCI on the same day any responsive testimony or evidence on or before December 3, 1997 and that the hearing is resheduled to begin on Tuesday, December 9, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission. (AE) (2 pgs.)
11/06/1997 Entry ordering that MCI should file, and serve upon CBT on the same day, testimony and any additional evidence in sup- port of its rehearing request by November 19, 1997; that CBT should file an dserve upon MCI on the same day any re- sponsive testimony or evidence by November 26, 1997; and scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on December 2, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/30/1997 Entry approving the interconnection agreement; that the agreement, to the extent applicable, shall be bound by the terms, conditions, and restrictions set forth in the Opiinion & Order issued on October 2, 1997; that the part- ies file proposed revisions to this interconnection agree- ment to address the interplay of MTSS and this intercon- nection agreement by December 31, 1997; that the parties file proposed revisions to this agreement to address the access to the directory assistance database and to reflect the correct interim rates for conditioning analog loops and revisions to footnote one of the pricing schedule by Novem- ber 14, 1997; that this case shall remain open until further order of the Commission. (4 pgs.)
10/14/1997 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of applicants by J. Sanders. (225 pgs.)
10/09/1997 Entry ordering that MCI's application for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part; that the parties review their interconnection agreement to determine if any revisions may be required as a result of the deter- minations today; the parties shall submit any necessary amendments to the Commission for review and approval; that this case shall remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (11 pgs.)
10/02/1997 Opinion & Order that the proposed interconnection agreement between CBT and MCI is approved in accordance with and to the extent set forth in this order; that, on or before Oct- ober 14, 1997, the parties shall submit a fully executed version of the agreement; that, unless an application for rehearing is filed within 30 days of this order, this order is a final appealable order; that this case shall remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (17 pgs.)
10/01/1997 Letter stating that Cincinnati Bell is agreeable to the request that the Commission have until October 2, 1997, to approve or reject an agreement adopted by arbitration, filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
09/25/1997 Memorandum of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company in opposition to application for rehearing of MCI Telecommuni- cations Corporation filed by D. Hart. (14 pgs.)
09/25/1997 Letter stating that MCI does not object to an extension of the 30 day deadline until October 2, 1997 filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
09/19/1997 Page 62 of the interconnection agreement which was inadver- tently omitted from the previous filing, submitted on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
09/15/1997 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (22 pgs.)
09/10/1997 Reply comments filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (9 pgs.)
09/10/1997 Reply comments filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by D. Hart. (15 pgs.)
09/05/1997 Comments filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. by D. Hart. (10 pgs.)
09/05/1997 Comments filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (18 pgs.)
09/05/1997 Comments filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio by R. Rosenberry and M. Schermer. (7 pgs.)
08/28/1997 Interconnection agreement between MCI Telecommunications Corp. and Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. filed by J. San- ders. (212 pgs.)
08/14/1997 Arbitration Award ordering that the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain, under seal, the unredacted copy of CBT's exceptions to the arbitration panel report and the unredacted copies of the involved portions of parties' arbitration packages, as well as all other material pre- viously ruled to be confidential, for 18 months from the date of this award; that MCI and CBT incorporate the dir- ectives as set forth in this Arbitration Award within their interconnection agreement; that, within 14 days of this Award, MCI and CBT file their entire interconnection agree- ment for the Commission review; that any party or other interested persons may file written comments supporting or opposing the proposed interconnection agreement by September 5, 1997, and responses to the comments by September 10, 1997; that any motions not expressly ruled upon in this Award are denied; that this docket shall remain open until further order of the Commission. (71 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Response letter to Ronda Hartman Fergus, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Campion.
08/13/1997 Response letter to Craig Glazer, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunication Corp. by J. Campion.
08/13/1997 Letter to Jolynn Barry Butler, PUCO staff, urging the Commission to issue its order in the MCImetro/CBT arbitration as soon as possible, filed on behalf of MCI by J. Campion.
08/13/1997 Letter to Commissioner Rhonda Hartman Fergus, PUCO staff, urging the Commission to issue its order in the MCImetro/ CBT arbitration as soon as possible, filed by J. Campion. (2 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Letter to Mr. Craig Glazer, PUCO Chairman, urging the Com- mission to issue its order in the MCImetro/CBT arbitration as soon as possible, filed by J. Campion. (2 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Letter to Commissioner Judith Jones, PUCO staff, urging the Commission to issue its order in the MCImetro/CBT arbitration as soon as possible, filed by J. Campion. (2 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Letter to Commissioner David W. Johnson, PUCO staff, urging the Commission to issue its order in the MCImetro/CBT arbitration as soon as possible, filed by J. Campion. (2 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Letter to Commissioner Judith Jones urging the Commission to issue its order so as not to delay MCI's plans to begin offering local services in Cincinnati filed by J. Campion.
08/13/1997 Letter to Commissioner David Johnson urging the Commission to issue its order so as not to delay MCI's plans to begin offering local services in Cincinnati filed by J. Campion
08/04/1997 Letter stating that Cincinnati Bell is agreeable to the request that the Commission have until September 4, 1997, to resolve open issues regarding the arbitration, filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
07/15/1997 Letter stating that Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company is agreeable to the request for extension for the Commission until July 31, 1997 filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
07/11/1997 Letter stating that MCI does not object to the Commission issuing its award by July 31, 1997 filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
06/20/1997 Letter stating that Cincinnati Bell is agreeable to the request that the Commission have until July 10, 1997 to resolve open issues, filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
06/19/1997 Letter stating that MCI does not object to the Commission issuing its award by July 10, 1997, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
06/18/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/4/97, (CG) (DJ) (RH) (JJ) (GP), 74 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
06/16/1997 Copy of drawing from the June 4, 1997 oral argument filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
06/10/1997 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
05/28/1997 Letter stating MCI does not object to the Commission issuing its award by June 19, 1997 filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
05/27/1997 Letter stating Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company has no objection to extending the time for the Commission to resolve open issues beyond May 31 filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
05/23/1997 Reply to exception of MCI Telecommunications Corporation to the panel report, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by D. Hart. (94 pgs.)
05/23/1997 Reply to Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's exceptions to the panel report, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (26 pgs.)
05/20/1997 Letter stating the discussion between CBT and MCIm at the meeting held on April 15 filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by S. Kritzer. (11 pgs.)
05/20/1997 Unredacted version of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's exceptions to the arbitration panel's report and recommend- ation filed by D. Hart. (47 pgs.) (filed under seal)
05/20/1997 Exceptions of MCI Telecommunications Corporation to the panel report filed by J. Sanders. (45 pgs.)
05/20/1997 Affidavit filed under seal in support of motion to file certain documents under seal filed by D. Hart. (2 pgs.)
05/20/1997 Motion of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to file certain documents under seal filed by D. Hart. (5 pgs.)
05/20/1997 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's exceptions to the arbitration panel's report and recommendation filed by D. Hart. (46 pgs.)
05/15/1997 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing and the oppositions to CBT's April 21, 1997 motion seeking to supplement its alternative regulation filing and provisional notice of dismissal of Case No. 96-1317-TP-UNC are dening in accordance with Findings 14-18; that CBT's April 21, 1997 motion seeking to supplement its alternative regulation fil- ing and provisional notice of dismissal of Case No. 96-1317- TP-UNC is granted. (9 pgs.)
05/14/1997 Arbitration Panel Report recommending that the Commission adopt the recommendations of the panel and instruct the parties to incorporate such within their interconnection agreement; that any exceptions that MCI and CBT may have to this report should be filed with the Commission and served upon the other party by May 20, 1997, and any replies that MCI and CBT may have to those exceptions be filed with the Commission and served upon the other party by May 23, 1997. (AE) (90 pgs.)
05/05/1997 Memorandum of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company in opposition to application for rehearing of MCI Telecommuni- cations Corporation filed by D. Olson. (11 pgs.)
04/30/1997 Transcript continued. (Volume V) (Part 3 of 3)
04/30/1997 Transcript continued. (Volume V) (Part 2 of 3)
04/30/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/16/97, (GP) (DM) (AF) (HM) (NS), 135 pgs., Submitted. (Volume V) (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Part 1 of 3)
04/30/1997 Confidential Exhibits Panel #1, Panel #2, CBT 17, and CBT 18 filed with transcript Volume V. (39 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/25/1997 Application for rehearing of MCI Telecommunications Corpor- ation and memorandum contra motion of Cincinnati Bell to supplement and provisional notice of dismissal filed by J. Sanders, D. Townsley. (16 pgs.)
04/25/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/11/97, (GP) (DM) (AF) (AW) (HM), 241 pgs., Continued. (Volume IV) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/24/1997 Confidential Exhibits, CBT 4 & 6, filed with transcript, Volume III. (49 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/24/1997 Confidential portion of transcript filed for hearing held 4/10/97, (GP) (DM) (AF) (AW) (HM), 4 pgs., Con't. (PUCO- Columbus, OH) (Volume III) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/24/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/10/97, (GP) (DM) (AF) (AW) (HM), 277 pgs., Continued. (Volume III) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/23/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/9/97, (GP), 300 pgs., Continued, Volume II. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Part 1 of 2)
04/23/1997 Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2) Volume II.
04/22/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/8/97, (GP) (NS) (AF) (AW) (HM), 296 pgs., Con't. (Volume I) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/07/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Townsley and J. Sanders. (4 pgs.)
04/07/1997 Certificate of service and public redacted version of the direct testimony of MCI witness Michael Starkey filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by B. Royer. (57 pgs.)
04/03/1997 Exhibit referred to by witness Brenda DeHorn in her prefiled testimony which was inadvertently omitted, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (4 pgs.)
04/02/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support and redacted copy of cost studies and testimony filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson.
04/02/1997 Arbitration agreement continued. (Part 2 of 2)
04/02/1997 Arbitration package of MCI Telecommunications Corp. filed by J. Sanders. (Part 1 of 2)
04/02/1997 Prefiled direct testimony of Michael Starkey filed on be- half of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (57 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/02/1997 Direct testimony and exhibits of Norbert J. Mette filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/02/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support and redacted copy of the cost studies and testimony filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wilson. (316 pgs.)
03/26/1997 Entry scheduling an arbitration hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 8, 1997, and continue on April 9, 10, and 11, 1997, for a maximum of four days; oral arguments shall begin at 9:00 a.m. on April 16, 1997; if the hearing concludes be fore April 11, 1997, oral arguments may be held on an earlier date at the offices of the Commission; that the parties' arbitation packages be filed in 97-152 and a copy served upon the other party by 5:00 p.m. on April 2, 1997; that all outstanding discovery requests in 97-152 must be completed and served by the parties no later than April 4, 1997; that the alternative regulation application of CBT is accepted for iling as of February 5, 1997; that preliminary objections to the alternative regulation application be filed in 96-899 within 30 days of the date of this entry and responses within 15 days thereafter; that the proposed news- paper notice submitted by CBT is approved for publication; that the staff conduct an investigation of the proposed alternative regulation plan; that motions to intervene and objections to the staff report be filed in 96-899 within 30 days after the date the staff report is filed; that direct, expert testimony be filed in 96-899 no later than the dead- line for filing objections to the staff report; that the intervention requests of Time Warner, OCC, the Cincinnati Zoo, AT&T, and MCI in 96-899 are granted. (7 pgs.)
03/25/1997 Letter confirming that Ms. Maria Marzullo will be the wit- ness presenting testimony on the network-related ussues, and OSS testimony will be sponsored by Mr. Jack Sheehan, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
03/14/1997 Letter stating names of witnesses and the subject matter of their testimony filed on behalf of MCI by J. Sanders. (1pg)
03/14/1997 Letter stating that the last page to Exhibit D of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company response be removed from record filed by D. Hart. (1 pg.)
03/07/1997 Response to MCI's petition, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by D. Hart. (333 pgs.)
02/27/1997 Letter to Ms. Judith B. Sanders and Mr. Douglas E. Hart informing them of a conference to be held on March 3, 1997, at the Commission offices, filed by G. Petrucci, PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)
02/10/1997 In the matter of MCI Telecommunications Corporation's petition for arbitration pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to establish an inter- connection agreement with Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company. (366 pgs.)