DIS - Case Record for 97-0102-EL-EFC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: EFC-Electric fuel component
Date Opened: 1/30/1997
Date Closed: 5/21/1998
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
05/27/1998Revised tariff sheets filed; 22nd reivised sheet No. C-3 cancels 21st revised sheet No. C-3; 13th revised sheet No. 250-1 cancels 12th revised sheet No. 250-1 filed by Allan Lumannick. (3 pgs)3
05/21/1998Opinion & Order that the stipulation and recommendation presented by Staff and the parties to these proceedings be adopted in its entirety; that Columbus Southern Power file its EFC tariff containing the new EFC rate with the Commissio no later than May 29, 1998; that the Commission staff review the pass through of the Ohio Coal Tax credits to jurisdictional customers in all future EFC cases. (10 pgs.)10
05/04/1998Proofs of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (51 pgs.)51
04/16/1998Transcript filed for hearing held 4/2/98, (SD), 5 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)5
04/07/1998Transcript filed for hearing held 3/24/98, (SD), 8 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)8
04/01/1998Letter stating that the parties now agree that all issues in this matter are resolved and that Section II, E, which reserved the issue, should be deemed deleted from Joint Exhibit 1, and cancelling the April 2 hearing, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (1 pg.)1
03/25/1998Joint Exhibit No. 1, the settlement agreement, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (12 pgs.)12
03/20/1998Testimony of Stephen D. Baker filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (8 pgs.)8
03/13/1998Entry ordering that the motions filed by Columbus Southern Power on March 4, 1998, and March 12, 1998, ultimately requesting an extension to March 20, 1998, in which to file its testimony and until March 27, 1998, for intervenors to file testimony be granted. (AE) (2 pgs.)2
03/12/1998Columbus Southern Power Company's Second Motion for Extension of Time to File Testimony and Request for Exp- pedited Ruling filed by F. M. Dutton. (3 pgs)3
03/04/1998Motion for extension of time to file testimony and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dutton. (3 pgs.)3
03/02/1998Notice to take depositions filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (3 pgs.)3
02/20/1998Confidential portion of management/performance audit report submitted by ICF Resources Incorporated. (6 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)6
02/20/1998Management/performance audit submitted by ICF Resources Incorporated. (61 pgs.)61
02/20/1998Facts, data and other pertinent information filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (42 pgs.)42
02/20/1998Report on the electric fuel component of Columbus Southern Power Co. filed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. (23 pgs.)23
01/30/1998Electric utility annual summary report for the fiscal period December 1, 1996 to November 30, 1997 for Columbus Southern Power by F. Dutton. (23 pgs.)23
11/26/1997Revised sheets to its tariffs, terms and conditions, P.U.C.O No. 16 filed on behalf of applicant by W. Forrester. (3 pgs)3
11/25/1997Finding & Order that the EFC rate to be charged by Columbus Southern during the next period beginning December 1, 1997, shall be 1.324514 c/kWh; that the submittal by the Company, other pertinent information and the establishment of the EFC rate shall be reviewed in the Company's next annual EFC hearing; that Columbus Southern file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate by November 29, 1997, to become effective on November 29, 1997, and remain in effect until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (3 pgs.)3
11/06/1997Finding & Order that the financial and management/perfor- mance audits of the fule-related policies and practices of the electric light companies be conducted in accordance with the findings of this order; that the costs of the audits be paid by the companies pursuant to the findings of this order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth in this order. (6 pgs.)6
10/16/1997Motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson- McGriff. (3 pgs.)3
09/12/1997Mid year adjustment, facts, data and other pertinent infor- mation filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (17 pgs.)17
04/17/1997Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 24, 1998 at the Commission offices; annual ER summary is due January 30, 1998; pre-hearing date & audit report is due February 20, 1998; company testimony is due March 6, 1998. (14 pgs.)14
01/30/1997In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel com- ponent contained within the rate schedule of Columbus Southern Power Company and related matters. (1 pg.)1