Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/07/1997 | Memo automatically approving the application as of January 7, 1997; case shall remain open pending decision on protec- tive order. (1 pg.) | 1 |
01/07/1997 | Confidential portion of contract between AADS and Mayfield Board of Education, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (9 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL) | 9 |
01/07/1997 | Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
01/07/1997 | In the matter of the application of Ameritech Advanced Data Services of Ohio, Inc. for approval of a contract with May- field Board of Education. (12 pgs.) | 12 |