DIS - Case Record for 96-1444-EL-AEC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/05/1998 Entry ordering that the Commission reaffirms its approval of the contract attached to the application pursuant to its terms; and closing this case of record. (2 pgs.)
01/23/1998 Withdrawal from case by intervenor, Cleveland District Cooling Corp., filed by S. Taft. (1 pg.)
12/23/1997 Entry ordering that the attorney examiner grants the joint motion. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/22/1997 Joint motion for continuance and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman; and Cleve- land District Cooling Corp. by S. Taft. (2 pgs.)
12/18/1997 Entry granting CDCC's application for rehearing to the ex- tent set forth in this entry. (3 pgs.)
12/12/1997 Additional information filed on behalf of First Union Management by D. Craven. (1 pg.)
12/08/1997 Supplement to memorandum in support of application for rehearing filed on behalf of Cleveland District Cooling Corporation by S. Taft. (3 pgs.)
11/25/1997 Entry granting OCC's application for rehearing for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing. (2 pgs.)
11/12/1997 Memorandum contra of CEI to the application for rehearing of Cleveland District Cooling Corp., filed by M. Kempic. (7 pgs.) (FILED 11/10/97 INCORRECTLY IN CASE NO. 97-1444- TP-NAG)
10/31/1997 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cleveland District Cooling Corp. by S. Taft.
10/02/1997 Finding & Order granting the application. (4 pgs.)
02/13/1997 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of Cleveland District Cooling Corp. by S. Howard. (7 pgs.)
02/06/1997 Memorandum contra the motion to intervene of Cleveland District Cooling, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic. (12 pgs.)
01/23/1997 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on be- half of Cleveland District Cooling Corp. by S. Taft. (9 pgs.)
12/31/1996 In the matter of the application of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of an electric service agreement with First Union Management, Inc. (13 pgs.)